Welcome to my blog. I am a student at Lake Brunner School in Moana, near Greymouth, NZ.
Friday, November 16, 2018
weekly reflection
So far I am still keeping up with my timetable. I am waiting for a reply to my comments to help me because my thing isn't working properly. toady I am going to start getting the thing I need for my big Tesla coil. It is coming along nicely. So far I have gotten my little Tesla coil to sort of work properly, it doesn't power a light but it triggers a result on my multimeter.
Friday, October 19, 2018
Weekly reflection
This week has been an amazing first week. I have go an immense amount of research done on my personal inquiry. For my personal inquiry this term I am making a mini Tesla coil and selling kits for it as well as making a big one that shoots lightning. I am really enjoying my personal inquiry and I feel I have managed my time well and I think my planning has gone really well because I am half a week ahead of schedule. This week our school had a pet day witch I really enjoyed, I brought sea monkeys.
Wednesday, September 19, 2018
kiwi kids news featured article, The Importance of Integrity.
The Importance of Integrity
1. Why do you think integrity is important? It is important that we show integrity, otherwise we will live in a world were the words truth and honesty don't exist. No one would be trust able and you would basically be alone.
2. How has your integrity or character been tested to the limit? What did you do in response? when two people asked me a question were if I say one thing I will upset one person but if I say something else I will upset the other person, I always either give an uncertain answer or an answer somewhere in the middle.
3. Do you think that integrity is a part of your nature? Do your instincts warn you when you are doing something that doesn’t show integrity? mostly, if I lie I feel really guilty and I I do something against my nature I don't feel right. So yes my instincts do tell me when I am not showing integrity.
4. Do you think the whole world could one day show integrity? If not, why might this be impossible. No, there will always be bad people in the world who do bad things, it is just human nature. There will always be people who are to lazy to earn thing and instead take from other people.
5. Do you think our national and international world leaders display integrity? How and how not? Be specific. Not always, being a leader is hard, you not only have to make citizens happy but you have top make other behind the scenes people happy, such as NASA and the military you might have a really good opportunity to make a lovely building for the townspeople but you need to spend you money to keep the military happy. Leaders will always have a moment were the only option is to not show integrity.
Thursday, September 13, 2018
Weekly reflection
I really like that we get to choose what we do and when we do it. I like no structure so much that I think that I function way better with it. I am way more focused because I don't have to do things when I don't want to. SDL is probably one of the best things that have happened during my school life. overall I have enjoyed my week.
Wednesday, September 12, 2018
Kiwi kids news featured article.
The REALLY busy kid… Is it REALLY that bad?
1. Do you believe kids being really busy is a good or a bad thing? Why?
It is good to be busy because it means you get to learn a variety of things. it gives you a choice when you are older. for example if you do not do anything then if you want to be a musician when you grow up then you will find it a lot harder if you did not go to music when you were young.
2. If you think bad, think of three solutions for this issue. If you think good, think of three ways to encourage other kids to get busier! If you have a passion then pursue it. It is most likely that the only way to get good at it is to join some after school club which is what you should do. if you don't have a passion then you should find one, keep trying different things until you find something you like.
3. Think about the role of teachers and parents in encouraging extra-curricular activities. Is it up to them, or to the kids themselves? It is kind of up to both of them. if you are a kid you need to show the adult what you are interested and the adults need to sort out how and when.
rapunzel scratch
arrow keys to move, stay on the hair(the yellow thing) try to reach Rapunzel and rescue her.
Monday, September 10, 2018
weekly reflection.
This week has been really fun. I got to go the the ITC conference witch I really enjoy each year. Not only did I like working with the provided technology I also liked meeting with people from other schools and all my friends from other schools. I built a useless box witch is a box with a switch and when you try to turn it on an arm comes out of the box and turns it off. I you want to learn more then check out my other blog post devoted to it. overall this week has been amazing.
Rapunzel show no tell
We are now are reading Rapunzel, we were challenged with turning a sentence into a paragraph.
Wednesday, September 5, 2018
Tuesday, September 4, 2018
This is an activity were we make sentences for the words our class has trouble with.
The river surged over the dam like a herd of angry elephants.
The boy trudged through the rain sodden streets, sobbing all the way home.
The overwhelming smell of cake and trifels put the girl in a trance.
The frog frogmarched the other frog into frogland.
The boy mocked the angry elephant but regretted it later.
Pamu farm reflection writing
On Wednesday we learnt about farm safety by visiting a Puma farm.
As we arrived at the Pamu farm company the bitter tangy scent of cow dung erupted into our \
noses. We were led into the office after cleaning our gumboots so that the cows didn’t catch
mycoplasma bovis which is a deadly cow disease. Our class was sat down at a long wooden
table inside the office building. We then listened to a long talk about farm safety, lead by
Cameron the business manager for Pamu. We learnt that it had changed over the years. We
were then driven to the cowshed in the cars that we arrived in. We went for a tour of the
cowshed and learnt about even more farm safety, such as all the safety precautions on the
milking station and safety around the chemicals. We learnt that every cow had a tracker and
when it went give provide milk it would show all the information about the cow on a big screen.
Next we were shown to the cute little calves. After that we left the moist air and farmy aroma
and returned to school.
Written by: Zak, Tyler,Toby
Thursday, August 30, 2018
This week I like how I did some of my personal inquiry but I think I picked a really bad week to do it. This is because this week I am missing 1 and a half days because of tech and a farm trip, I think I should have thought it out better. I really like SDL because it lets me get my stuff done when I want. SDL stands for self directed learning witch means we control what we do. SDL lets me get my tasks done quicker because I always feel more motivated to do things when I want. overall this week has not been my best but I will learn from my mistakes.
Wednesday, August 29, 2018
Kiwi kids news plastic bags everywhere.
Plastic bags everywhere! kiwi kids news featured article.
1. Do you think that NOT using plastic bags is important? Or do you think it’s not a good deal? It is definitely important because if you take into account the amount of animals die because of it you can see the problem. If we stop using plastic bags then we will have a way less of an impact on the environment.
2. What will happen if we continue to use plastic bags? Will it affect us? Will it affect other animals? Will it affect sea creatures? it will ruin our planet. Many marine animals will go extinct and fishing and swimming will be out of the question. More and more plastic will have to be burned because it takes up to much space polluting the environment even further.
3. Do you think we will ever be able to get rid of plastic bags globally? We will find it virtually impossible because it is the best way to make things cheaply that work well. Until we find a worthy alternative the answer is no.
4. If you couldn’t use plastic anymore, what is the worst thing that would happen? I don't think this question has been thought over properly because without plastic very bad things would happen. Computers and robots would short circuit (there would be no plastic in between components), many dangerous chemicals would rush out of plastic tanks. Nearly ever single business will be forced to shut down and many other bad things would happen. This is what would happen if plastic suddenly dispersed but the consequences would still be very bad if plastic was banned. Shops would have nothing to sell and everything would become way more expensive, more trees would be chopped down faster so supply our needs. It would be a disaster, picture what your spend your day doing, now count all the tasks that do not involve plastic, not very many.
1. What is a solution to stop plastic bags from being produced? What is a solution to stop plastic being produced? We can end up producing less plastic by cutting down on how much we use but it is our best option right now, it is extremely cheap, it can be flexible or rigid, it can be strong or weak and it can be moulded into literally any shape. Plastic has more standing for it than any other things so far. So until we find something just as good as plastic it will be impossible to completely eradicate it.
2. Ask your parents if they use more plastic lately than they used to 10 years ago. Why have they made a change? Why not? 'no I use the same' said my mum 'thanks to the school I don't use as much glad wrap in lunches'. Also said my mum.
Tuesday, August 28, 2018
Henry Hudson discovers Delaware bay.
This was a twenty minute activity and we had to include a radio.
Monday, August 27, 2018
A rocket is launched to Venus.
This was a twenty minute activity, enjoy.
Friday, August 24, 2018
weekly reflection.
This week has been an interesting week and I have had fun. I like that I am able to step forward and ask for help when I am confused and when something is not working for me because I used to have trouble doing this. I am also clear in what I want to talk about when there is an issue witch is another thing I used to have trouble with. When something changes I don't just sit there and look confused, I find out what is new and how I can manipulate it and use it to my advantage, this is something that I enjoy doing. For example we have got a new teacher and I found out that we could learn whatever we wanted, as soon as I found this out I got straight to it. Overall this week has been quite interesting.
Hansel and Gretel scratch.
You are Hansel and you have been ditched by your parents and left in the forest. try to survive for as long as you can by eating things and avoiding the witch.
Two Russian planes explode.
This was a 20 minute activity, enjoy!
Thursday, August 23, 2018
I we read short stories and do activity's on them. for this activity we had to pick five words that our class had trouble with and write sentences for them. Here are mine(the bold words are the ones that the class had trouble with)
I am standing on the edge of the cave, watching the dragon inside, a being I definitely do not want to
The fire creature stuck his hands below the silky skin of the lava, warming them until he was sated.
The monkeys sat in the tree chucking anything they could find at the man and waving his cellphone
in the air, they were taunting him.
in the air, they were taunting him.
The night thrust the lance at his attacker but alas, It was to derelict and snapped costing him his life.
The man opened up the cupboard, he knew he was running low on food but not this low, for all he had was a single gourd.
Wednesday, August 22, 2018
How important is Honesty? kiwi kids news featured article.
How important is Honesty? kiwi kids news featured article.
1. Why do you think lying is bad? Why do you think honesty is important? lying is both good and bad depending on the circumstances. For example, if you dented the car you should tell the truth but if someone asked you what you are getting them for Christmas you can lie, because it is supposed to be a surprise. I think honesty is important because if you have ever been lied to you know how annoying it is to be lied to and it will ruin you reputation.
2. What are some good things, if any, that can come from lying? It can make things a surprise like if you said you where going to get someone $2 for Christmas but then you where actually gave them $10 they would get a nice surprise. Also if you are babysitting young kids who are scared that there parents have left them even if they are very far away you should say they are just across the road to make them feel better. These are the two ways I think lying can be good, to comfort people and make things a surprise.
3. Do you think we lie for a reason, because of the way we are brought up, or simply because of human nature? we most likely lie because it helps us keep out of danger and that's what we are mentally programmed to to. Lying became just another way to keep our selves out of danger. We also use lying to make ourselves feel better about things and make people feel better about us, because we want to be liked and we like to be safe.
4. Do you think lying is an issue that can ever be solved? How can we do this? I do not think we can stop lying it is part of our nature, we can't help it, we will always want to cover embarrassing things and things that if we tell could put us in danger. So my answer is no, we can't.
5. Write a short story about what the world would be like if lying was impossible. Even write a little story about a family conversation at the dinner table if no one could lie… hopefully no one insults the dinner!
I tuck in to my lovely dinner, roast chicken, mm-mm my favourite. "How was your day at school" asked my mum I try to just say good but I can't lie so I have to explain everything, witch included every step I took because not telling would be denying that I took it. This took all night.
Tuesday, August 21, 2018
Cook finds Australia
On this day in history lieutenant James Cook, captain of HMB Endeavour, claimed the eastern portion of the Australian continent for the British Crown in 1770, naming it New South Wales.
here is a video of his whole journey
Thursday, August 16, 2018
Little red riding hood game
you are the wolf. eat the little red riding hoods before she can blow up her granny!
Weekly reflection.
This week sadly our principal has left to go and teach at another school. I will find it very different and I am very sad that she has left because she has made our school a wonderful place. I hope that things do not change to much because I really liked the way the school was before. I think that the school will change for the worst for a little while until we get used to the new principal and then It will most likely resume to normal. I will try my best to stay on task because just because our principal has changed shouldn't mean I should.
Little red riding hood gruesome version
5 minute quick write
We had to expand the sentence: I was happy, here is my quick write.
16th I am running my fingers over the grey substance. Backward forwards,
backwards forwards. $10000000, This sparks hope in my eyes. Backward forwards,
backwards forwards $1000000, I am
bursting with excitement scratch scratch scratch, oh no not $10.
This my last chance it’s now or
never, I carefully navigate my finger over to the last grey square,
cross my fingers and hope for the best, up down up down. A $ then a 1, then a 0, there
is still more to go. Scratch scratch 00 scratch scratch scratch 000. I’ve done it! I
have just won the lotto!
I jump up and down and scream with glee. I fall over and start laughing,
I have won the lotto.
backwards forwards. $10000000, This sparks hope in my eyes. Backward forwards,
backwards forwards $1000000, I am
bursting with excitement scratch scratch scratch, oh no not $10.
This my last chance it’s now or
never, I carefully navigate my finger over to the last grey square,
cross my fingers and hope for the best, up down up down. A $ then a 1, then a 0, there
is still more to go. Scratch scratch 00 scratch scratch scratch 000. I’ve done it! I
have just won the lotto!
I jump up and down and scream with glee. I fall over and start laughing,
I have won the lotto.
Tuesday, August 14, 2018
Time loop
14th “The cat’s out of the bag now Sven!” said Youte. “People are going to
love our new time device”
replied Sven. “The old one was so huge and could only go back a day or so”
said Youte “yeah, our
one can go back as much as a year and it’s as big as a watch”.
love our new time device”
replied Sven. “The old one was so huge and could only go back a day or so”
said Youte “yeah, our
one can go back as much as a year and it’s as big as a watch”.
10 miles away is a town called rtey there was a boy by the name of hutr who
had just bought a
strange watch thingie from the general store, he was just going home when
crash, the pain seared
up through his toe and into his head. He toppled to the ground and whacked
his watch on the
had just bought a
strange watch thingie from the general store, he was just going home when
crash, the pain seared
up through his toe and into his head. He toppled to the ground and whacked
his watch on the
A boy by the name of hutr had just walked out of the general store he had bought a strange watch thingie from the general store, he was just going home when crash, the pain seared up through his toe and into his head. He toppled to the ground and whacked his watch on the ground.
A boy by the name of hutr had just walked out of the general store he had bought a strange watch thingie from the general store, he was just going home when crash, the pain seared up through his toe and into his head. He toppled to the ground and whacked his watch on the ground.
A boy by the name of hutr had just walked out of the general store he had bought a strange watch thingie from the general store, he was just going home when crash, the pain seared up through his toe and into his head. He toppled to the ground and whacked his watch on the ground.
A boy by the name of hutr had just walked out of the general store he had bought a strange watch thingie from the general store, he was just going home when crash, the pain seared up through his toe and into his head. He toppled to the ground and whacked his watch on the ground.
A boy by the name of hutr had just walked out of the general store he had bought a strange watch thingie from the general store, he was just going home when crash, the pain seared up through his toe and into his head. He toppled to the ground and whacked his watch on the ground.
A boy by the name of hutr had just walked out of the general store he had bought a strange watch thingie from the general store, he was just going home when crash, the pain seared up through his toe and into his head. He toppled to the ground and whacked his watch on the ground.
A boy by the name of hutr had just walked out of the general store he had bought a strange watch thingie from the general store, he was just going home when crash, the pain seared up through his toe and into his head. He toppled to the ground and whacked his watch on the ground.
A boy by the name of hutr had just walked out of the general store he had bought a strange watch thingie from the general store, he was just going home when crash, the pain seared up through his toe and into his head. He toppled to the ground and whacked his watch on the ground.
A boy by the name of hutr had just walked out of the general store he had bought a strange watch thingie from the general store, he was just going home when crash, the pain seared up through his toe and into his head. He toppled to the ground and whacked his watch on the ground.
A boy by the name of hutr had just walked out of the general store he had bought a strange watch thingie from the general store, he was just going home when crash, the pain seared up through his toe and into his head. He toppled to the ground and whacked his watch on the ground.
A boy by the name of hutr had just walked out of the general store he had bought a strange watch thingie from the general store, he was just going home when crash, the pain seared up through his toe and into his head. He toppled to the ground and whacked his watch on the ground.
A boy by the name of hutr had just walked out of the general store he had bought a strange watch thingie from the general store, he was just going home when crash, the pain seared up through his toe and into his head. He toppled to the ground and whacked his watch on the ground.
A boy by the name of hutr had just walked out of the general store he had bought a strange watch thingie from the general store, he was just going home when crash, the pain seared up through his toe and into his head. He toppled to the ground and whacked his watch on the ground.
A boy by the name of hutr had just walked out of the general store he had bought a strange watch thingie from the general store, he was just going home when crash, the pain seared up through his toe and into his head. He toppled to the ground and whacked his watch on the ground.
A boy by the name of hutr had just walked out of the general store he had bought a strange watch thingie from the general store, he was just going home when crash, the pain seared up through his toe and into his head. He toppled to the ground and whacked his watch on the ground.
A boy by the name of hutr had just walked out of the general store he had bought a strange watch thingie from the general store, he was just going home when crash, the pain seared up through his toe and into his head. He toppled to the ground and whacked his watch on the ground.
A boy by the name of hutr had just walked out of the general store he had bought a strange watch thingie from the general store, he was just going home when crash, the pain seared up through his toe and into his head. He toppled to the ground and whacked his watch on the ground.
A boy by the name of hutr had just walked out of the general store he had bought a strange watch thingie from the general store, he was just going home when crash, the pain seared up through his toe and into his head. He toppled to the ground and whacked his watch on the ground.
A boy by the name of hutr had just walked out of the general store he had bought a strange watch thingie from the general store, he was just going home when crash, the pain seared up through his toe and into his head. He toppled to the ground and whacked his watch on the ground.
A boy by the name of hutr had just walked out of the general store he had bought a strange watch thingie from the general store, he was just going home when crash, the pain seared up through his toe and into his head. He toppled to the ground and whacked his watch on the ground.
A boy by the name of hutr had just walked out of the general store he had bought a strange watch thingie from the general store, he was just going home when crash, the pain seared up through his toe and into his head. He toppled to the ground and whacked his watch on the ground.
A boy by the name of hutr had just walked out of the general store he had bought a strange watch thingie from the general store, he was just going home when crash, the pain seared up through his toe and into his head. He toppled to the ground and whacked his watch on the ground.
A boy by the name of hutr had just walked out of the general store he had bought a strange watch thingie from the general store, he was just going home when crash, the pain seared up through his toe and into his head. He toppled to the ground and whacked his watch on the ground.
A boy by the name of hutr had just walked out of the general store he had bought a strange watch thingie from the general store, he was just going home when crash, the pain seared up through his toe and into his head. He toppled to the ground and whacked his watch on the ground.
A boy by the name of hutr had just walked out of the general store he had bought a strange watch thingie from the general store, he was just going home when crash, the pain seared up through his toe and into his head. He toppled to the ground and whacked his watch on the ground
A boy by the name of hutr had just walked out of the general store he had bought a strange watch thingie from the general store, he was just going home when crash, the pain seared up through his toe and into his head. He toppled to the ground and whacked his watch on the ground
A boy by the name of hutr had just walked out of the general store he had bought a strange watch thingie from the general store, he was just going home when crash, the pain seared up through his toe and into his head. He toppled to the ground and whacked his watch on the ground
A boy by the name of hutr had just walked out of the general store he had bought a strange watch thingie from the general store, he was just going home when crash, the pain seared up through his toe and into his head. He toppled to the ground and whacked his watch on the ground
A boy by the name of hutr had just walked out of the general store he had bought a strange watch thingie from the general store, he was just going home when crash, the pain seared up through his toe and into his head. He toppled to the ground and whacked his watch on the ground
A boy by the name of hutr had just walked out of the general store he had bought a strange watch thingie from the general store, he was just going home when crash, the pain seared up through his toe and into his head. He toppled to the ground and whacked his watch on the ground
A boy by the name of hutr had just walked out of the general store he had bought a strange watch thingie from the general store, he was just going home when crash, the pain seared up through his toe and into his head. He toppled to the ground and whacked his watch on the ground
A boy by the name of hutr had just walked out of the general store he had bought a strange watch thingie from the general store, he was just going home when crash, the pain seared up through his toe and into his head. He toppled to the ground and whacked his watch on the ground
A boy by the name of hutr had just walked out of the general store he had bought a strange watch thingie from the general store, he was just going home when crash, the pain seared up through his toe and into his head. He toppled to the ground and whacked his watch on the ground
A boy by the name of hutr had just walked out of the general store he had bought a strange watch thingie from the general store, he was just going home when crash, the pain seared up through his toe and into his head. He toppled to the ground and whacked his watch on the ground
A boy by the name of hutr had just walked out of the general store he had bought a strange watch thingie from the general store, he was just going home when crash, the pain seared up through his toe and into his head. He toppled to the ground and whacked his watch on the ground
A boy by the name of hutr had just walked out of the general store he had bought a strange watch thingie from the general store, he was just going home when crash, the pain seared up through his toe and into his head. He toppled to the ground and whacked his watch on the ground
A boy by the name of hutr had just walked out of the general store he had bought a strange watch thingie from the general store, he was just going home when crash, the pain seared up through his toe and into his head. He toppled to the ground and whacked his watch on the ground
A boy by the name of hutr had just walked out of the general store he had bought a strange watch thingie from the general store, he was just going home when crash, the pain seared up through his toe and into his head. He toppled to the ground and whacked his watch on the ground
A boy by the name of hutr had just walked out of the general store he had bought a strange watch thingie from the general store, he was just going home when crash, the pain seared up through his toe and into his head. He toppled to the ground and whacked his watch on the ground
A boy by the name of hutr had just walked out of the general store he had bought a strange watch thingie from the general store, he was just going home when crash, the pain seared up through his toe and into his head. He toppled to the ground and whacked his watch on the ground
A boy by the name of hutr had just walked out of the general store he had bought a strange watch thingie from the general store, he was just going home when crash, the pain seared up through his toe and into his head. He toppled to the ground and whacked his watch on the ground
A boy by the name of hutr had just walked out of the general store he had bought a strange watch thingie from the general store, he was just going home when crash, the pain seared up through his toe and into his head. He toppled to the ground and whacked his watch on the ground
A boy by the name of hutr had just walked out of the general store he had bought a strange watch thingie from the general store, he was just going home when crash, the pain seared up through his toe and into his head. He toppled to the ground and whacked his watch on the ground
A boy by the name of hutr had just walked out of the general store he had bought a strange watch thingie from the general store, he was just going home when crash, the pain seared up through his toe and into his head. He toppled to the ground and whacked his watch on the ground
A boy by the name of hutr had just walked out of the general store he had bought a strange watch thingie from the general store, he was just going home when crash, the pain seared up through his toe and into his head. He toppled to the ground and whacked his watch on the ground
A boy by the name of hutr had just walked out of the general store he had bought a strange watch thingie from the general store, he was just going home when crash, the pain seared up through his toe and into his head. He toppled to the ground and whacked his watch on the ground
A boy by the name of hutr had just walked out of the general store he had bought a strange watch thingie from the general store, he was just going home when crash, the pain seared up through his toe and into his head. He toppled to the ground and whacked his watch on the ground
A boy by the name of hutr had just walked out of the general store he had bought a strange watch thingie from the general store, he was just going home when crash, the pain seared up through his toe and into his head. He toppled to the ground and whacked his watch on the ground
A boy by the name of hutr had just walked out of the general store he had bought a strange watch thingie from the general store, he was just going home when crash, the pain seared up through his toe and into his head. He toppled to the ground and whacked his watch on the ground
A boy by the name of hutr had just walked out of the general store he had bought a strange watch thingie from the general store, he was just going home when crash, the pain seared up through his toe and into his head. He toppled to the ground and whacked his watch on the ground
A boy by the name of hutr had just walked out of the general store he had bought a strange watch thingie from the general store, he was just going home when crash, the pain seared up through his toe and into his head. He toppled to the ground and whacked his watch on the ground
A boy by the name of hutr had just walked out of the general store he had bought a strange watch thingie from the general store, he was just going home when crash, the pain seared up through his toe and into his head. He toppled to the ground and whacked his watch on the ground
A boy by the name of hutr had just walked out of the general store he had bought a strange watch thingie from the general store, he was just going home when crash, the pain seared up through his toe and into his head. He toppled to the ground and whacked his watch on the ground
A boy by the name of hutr had just walked out of the general store he had bought a strange watch thingie from the general store, he was just going home when crash, the pain seared up through his toe and into his head. He toppled to the ground and whacked his watch on the ground
A boy by the name of hutr had just walked out of the general store he had bought a strange watch thingie from the general store, he was just going home when crash, the pain seared up through his toe and into his head. He toppled to the ground and whacked his watch on the ground
A boy by the name of hutr had just walked out of the general store he had bought a strange watch thingie from the general store, he was just going home when crash, the pain seared up through his toe and into his head. He toppled to the ground and whacked his watch on the ground
A boy by the name of hutr had just walked out of the general store he had bought a strange watch thingie from the general store, he was just going home when crash, the pain seared up through his toe and into his head. He toppled to the ground and whacked his watch on the ground
A boy by the name of hutr had just walked out of the general store he had bought a strange watch thingie from the general store, he was just going home when crash, the pain seared up through his toe and into his head. He toppled to the ground and whacked his watch on the ground
A boy by the name of hutr had just walked out of the general store he had bought a strange watch thingie from the general store, he was just going home when crash, the pain seared up through his toe and into his head. He toppled to the ground and whacked his watch on the ground
A boy by the name of hutr had just walked out of the general store he had bought a strange watch thingie from the general store, he was just going home when crash, the pain seared up through his toe and into his head. He toppled to the ground and whacked his watch on the ground
A boy by the name of hutr had just walked out of the general store he had bought a strange watch thingie from the general store, he was just going home when crash, the pain seared up through his toe and into his head. He toppled to the ground and whacked his watch on the ground
A boy by the name of hutr had just walked out of the general store he had bought a strange watch thingie from the general store, he was just going home when crash, the pain seared up through his toe and into his head. He toppled to the ground and whacked his watch on the ground
A boy by the name of hutr had just walked out of the general store he had bought a strange watch thingie from the general store, he was just going home when crash, the pain seared up through his toe and into his head. He toppled to the ground and whacked his watch on the ground
A boy by the name of hutr had just walked out of the general store he had bought a strange watch thingie from the general store, he was just going home when crash, the pain seared up through his toe and into his head. He toppled to the ground and whacked his watch on the ground
A boy by the name of hutr had just walked out of the general store he had bought a strange watch thingie from the general store, he was just going home when crash, the pain seared up through his toe and into his head. He toppled to the ground and whacked his watch on the ground
A boy by the name of hutr had just walked out of the general store he had bought a strange watch thingie from the general store, he was just going home when crash, the pain seared up through his toe and into his head. He toppled to the ground and whacked his watch on the ground
A boy by the name of hutr had just walked out of the general store he had bought a strange watch thingie from the general store, he was just going home when crash, the pain seared up through his toe and into his head. He toppled to the ground and whacked his watch on the ground
A boy by the name of hutr had just walked out of the general store he had bought a strange watch thingie from the general store, he was just going home when crash, the pain seared up through his toe and into his head. He toppled to the ground and whacked his watch on the ground
A boy by the name of hutr had just walked out of the general store he had bought a strange watch thingie from the general store, he was just going home when crash, the pain seared up through his toe and into his head. He toppled to the ground and whacked his watch on the ground
A boy by the name of hutr had just walked out of the general store he had bought a strange watch thingie from the general store, he was just going home when crash, the pain seared up through his toe and into his head. He toppled to the ground and whacked his watch on the ground
A boy by the name of hutr had just walked out of the general store he had bought a strange watch thingie from the general store, he was just going home when crash, the pain seared up through his toe and into his head. He toppled to the ground and whacked his watch on the ground
A boy by the name of hutr had just walked out of the general store he had bought a strange watch thingie from the general store, he was just going home when crash, the pain seared up through his toe and into his head. He toppled to the ground and whacked his watch on the ground
A boy by the name of hutr had just walked out of the general store he had bought a strange watch thingie from the general store, he was just going home when crash, the pain seared up through his toe and into his head. He toppled to the ground and whacked his watch on the ground
A boy by the name of hutr had just walked out of the general store he had bought a strange watch thingie from the general store, he was just going home when crash, the pain seared up through his toe and into his head. He toppled to the ground and whacked his watch on the ground
A boy by the name of hutr had just walked out of the general store he had bought a strange watch thingie from the general store, he was just going home when crash, the pain seared up through his toe and into his head. He toppled to the ground and whacked his watch on the ground
A boy by the name of hutr had just walked out of the general store he had bought a strange watch thingie from the general store, he was just going home when crash, the pain seared up through his toe and into his head. He toppled to the ground and whacked his watch on the ground
A boy by the name of hutr had just walked out of the general store he had bought a strange watch thingie from the general store, he was just going home when crash, the pain seared up through his toe and into his head. He toppled to the ground and whacked his watch on the ground
A boy by the name of hutr had just walked out of the general store he had bought a strange watch thingie from the general store, he was just going home when crash, the pain seared up through his toe and into his head. He toppled to the ground and whacked his watch on the ground
A boy by the name of hutr had just walked out of the general store he had bought a strange watch thingie from the general store, he was just going home when crash, the pain seared up through his toe and into his head. He toppled to the ground and whacked his watch on the ground
A boy by the name of hutr had just walked out of the general store he had bought a strange watch thingie from the general store, he was just going home when crash, the pain seared up through his toe and into his head. He toppled to the ground and whacked his watch on the ground
A boy by the name of hutr had just walked out of the general store he had bought a strange watch thingie from the general store, he was just going home when crash, the pain seared up through his toe and into his head. He toppled to the ground and whacked his watch on the ground
A boy by the name of hutr had just walked out of the general store he had bought a strange watch thingie from the general store, he was just going home when crash, the pain seared up through his toe and into his head. He toppled to the ground and whacked his watch on the ground
A boy by the name of hutr had just walked out of the general store he had bought a strange watch thingie from the general store, he was just going home when crash, the pain seared up through his toe and into his head. He toppled to the ground and whacked his watch on the ground
A boy by the name of hutr had just walked out of the general store he had bought a strange watch thingie from the general store, he was just going home when crash, the pain seared up through his toe and into his head. He toppled to the ground and whacked his watch on the ground
A boy by the name of hutr had just walked out of the general store he had bought a strange watch thingie from the general store, he was just going home when crash, the pain seared up through his toe and into his head. He toppled to the ground and whacked his watch on the ground
A boy by the name of hutr had just walked out of the general store he had bought a strange watch thingie from the general store, he was just going home when crash, the pain seared up through his toe and into his head. He toppled to the ground and whacked his watch on the ground
A boy by the name of hutr had just walked out of the general store he had bought a strange watch thingie from the general store, he was just going home when crash, the pain seared up through his toe and into his head. He toppled to the ground and whacked his watch on the ground
A boy by the name of hutr had just walked out of the general store he had bought a strange watch thingie from the general store, he was just going home when crash, the pain seared up through his toe and into his head. He toppled to the ground and whacked his watch on the ground
A boy by the name of hutr had just walked out of the general store he had bought a strange watch thingie from the general store, he was just going home when crash, the pain seared up through his toe and into his head. He toppled to the ground and whacked his watch on the ground
A boy by the name of hutr had just walked out of the general store he had bought a strange watch thingie from the general store, he was just going home when crash, the pain seared up through his toe and into his head. He toppled to the ground and whacked his watch on the ground
A boy by the name of hutr had just walked out of the general store he had bought a strange watch thingie from the general store, he was just going home when crash, the pain seared up through his toe and into his head. He toppled to the ground and whacked his watch on the ground
A boy by the name of hutr had just walked out of the general store he had bought a strange watch thingie from the general store, he was just going home when crash, the pain seared up through his toe and into his head. He toppled to the ground and whacked his watch on the ground
A boy by the name of hutr had just walked out of the general store he had bought a strange watch thingie from the general store, he was just going home when crash, the pain seared up through his toe and into his head. He toppled to the ground and whacked his watch on the ground
A boy by the name of hutr had just walked out of the general store he had bought a strange watch thingie from the general store, he was just going home when crash, the pain seared up through his toe and into his head. He toppled to the ground and whacked his watch on the ground
A boy by the name of hutr had just walked out of the general store he had bought a strange watch thingie from the general store, he was just going home when crash, the pain seared up through his toe and into his head. He toppled to the ground and whacked his watch on the ground
A boy by the name of hutr had just walked out of the general store he had bought a strange watch thingie from the general store, he was just going home when crash, the pain seared up through his toe and into his head. He toppled to the ground and whacked his watch on the ground
A boy by the name of hutr had just walked out of the general store he had bought a strange watch thingie from the general store, he was just going home when crash, the pain seared up through his toe and into his head. He toppled to the ground and whacked his watch on the ground
A boy by the name of hutr had just walked out of the general store he had bought a strange watch thingie from the general store, he was just going home when crash, the pain seared up through his toe and into his head. He toppled to the ground and whacked his watch on the ground
A boy by the name of hutr had just walked out of the general store he had bought a strange watch thingie from the general store, he was just going home when crash, the pain seared up through his toe and into his head. He toppled to the ground and whacked his watch on the ground
A boy by the name of hutr had just walked out of the general store he had bought a strange watch thingie from the general store, he was just going home when crash, the pain seared up through his toe and into his head. He toppled to the ground and whacked his watch on the ground
A boy by the name of hutr had just walked out of the general store he had bought a strange watch thingie from the general store, he was just going home when crash, the pain seared up through his toe and into his head. He toppled to the ground and whacked his watch on the ground
A boy by the name of hutr had just walked out of the general store he had bought a strange watch thingie from the general store, he was just going home when crash, the pain seared up through his toe and into his head. He toppled to the ground and whacked his watch on the ground
A boy by the name of hutr had just walked out of the general store he had bought a strange watch thingie from the general store, he was just going home when crash, the pain seared up through his toe and into his head. He toppled to the ground and whacked his watch on the ground
A boy by the name of hutr had just walked out of the general store he had bought a strange watch thingie from the general store, he was just going home when crash, the pain seared up through his toe and into his head. He toppled to the ground and whacked his watch on the ground
A boy by the name of hutr had just walked out of the general store he had bought a strange watch thingie from the general store, he was just going home when crash, the pain seared up through his toe and into his head. He toppled to the ground and whacked his watch on the ground
A boy by the name of hutr had just walked out of the general store he had bought a strange watch thingie from the general store, he was just going home when crash, the pain seared up through his toe and into his head. He toppled to the ground and whacked his watch on the ground
A boy by the name of hutr had just walked out of the general store he had bought a strange watch thingie from the general store, he was just going home when crash, the pain seared up through his toe and into his head. He toppled to the ground and whacked his watch on the ground
A boy by the name of hutr had just walked out of the general store he had bought a strange watch thingie from the general store, he was just going home when crash, the pain seared up through his toe and into his head. He toppled to the ground and whacked his watch on the ground
A boy by the name of hutr had just walked out of the general store he had bought a strange watch thingie from the general store, he was just going home when crash, the pain seared up through his toe and into his head. He toppled to the ground and whacked his watch on the ground
A boy by the name of hutr had just walked out of the general store he had bought a strange watch thingie from the general store, he was just going home when crash, the pain seared up through his toe and into his head. He toppled to the ground and whacked his watch on the ground
A boy by the name of hutr had just walked out of the general store he had bought a strange watch thingie from the general store, he was just going home when crash, the pain seared up through his toe and into his head. He toppled to the ground and whacked his watch on the ground
A boy by the name of hutr had just walked out of the general store he had bought a strange watch thingie from the general store, he was just going home when crash, the pain seared up through his toe and into his head. He toppled to the ground and whacked his watch on the ground
A boy by the name of hutr had just walked out of the general store he had bought a strange watch thingie from the general store, he was just going home when crash, the pain seared up through his toe and into his head. He toppled to the ground and whacked his watch on the ground
A boy by the name of hutr had just walked out of the general store he had bought a strange watch thingie from the general store, he was just going home when crash, the pain seared up through his toe and into his head. He toppled to the ground and whacked his watch on the ground
A boy by the name of hutr had just walked out of the general store he had bought a strange watch thingie from the general store, he was just going home when crash, the pain seared up through his toe and into his head. He toppled to the ground and whacked his watch on the ground
A boy by the name of hutr had just walked out of the general store he had bought a strange watch thingie from the general store, he was just going home when crash, the pain seared up through his toe and into his head. He toppled to the ground and whacked his watch on the ground
A boy by the name of hutr had just walked out of the general store he had bought a strange watch thingie from the general store, he was just going home when crash, the pain seared up through his toe and into his head. He toppled to the ground and whacked his watch on the ground
A boy by the name of hutr had just walked out of the general store he had bought a strange watch thingie from the general store, he was just going home when crash, the pain seared up through his toe and into his head. He toppled to the ground and whacked his watch on the ground
A boy by the name of hutr had just walked out of the general store he had bought a strange watch thingie from the general store, he was just going home when crash, the pain seared up through his toe and into his head. He toppled to the ground and whacked his watch on the ground
A boy by the name of hutr had just walked out of the general store he had bought a strange watch thingie from the general store, he was just going home when crash, the pain seared up through his toe and into his head. He toppled to the ground and whacked his watch on the ground
A boy by the name of hutr had just walked out of the general store he had bought a strange watch thingie from the general store, he was just going home when crash, the pain seared up through his toe and into his head. He toppled to the ground and whacked his watch on the ground
A boy by the name of hutr had just walked out of the general store he had bought a strange watch thingie from the general store, he was just going home when crash, the pain seared up through his toe and into his head. He toppled to the ground and whacked his watch on the ground
A boy by the name of hutr had just walked out of the general store he had bought a strange watch thingie from the general store, he was just going home when crash, the pain seared up through his toe and into his head. He toppled to the ground and whacked his watch on the ground
A boy by the name of hutr had just walked out of the general store he had bought a strange watch thingie from the general store, he was just going home when crash, the pain seared up through his toe and into his head. He toppled to the ground and whacked his watch on the ground
A boy by the name of hutr had just walked out of the general store he had bought a strange watch thingie from the general store, he was just going home when crash, the pain seared up through his toe and into his head. He toppled to the ground and whacked his watch on the ground
A boy by the name of hutr had just walked out of the general store he had bought a strange watch thingie from the general store, he was just going home when crash, the pain seared up through his toe and into his head. He toppled to the ground and whacked his watch on the ground
A boy by the name of hutr had just walked out of the general store he had bought a strange watch thingie from the general store, he was just going home when crash, the pain seared up through his toe and into his head. He toppled to the ground and whacked his watch on the ground
A boy by the name of hutr had just walked out of the general store he had bought a strange watch thingie from the general store, he was just going home when crash, the pain seared up through his toe and into his head. He toppled to the ground and whacked his watch on the ground
A boy by the name of hutr had just walked out of the general store he had bought a strange watch thingie from the general store, he was just going home when crash, the pain seared up through his toe and into his head. He toppled to the ground and whacked his watch on the ground
A boy by the name of hutr had just walked out of the general store he had bought a strange watch thingie from the general store, he was just going home when crash, the pain seared up through his toe and into his head. He toppled to the ground and whacked his watch on the ground
A boy by the name of hutr had just walked out of the general store he had bought a strange watch thingie from the general store, he was just going home when crash, the pain seared up through his toe and into his head. He toppled to the ground and whacked his watch on the ground
A boy by the name of hutr had just walked out of the general store he had bought a strange watch thingie from the general store, he was just going home when crash, the pain seared up through his toe and into his head. He toppled to the ground and whacked his watch on the ground
A boy by the name of hutr had just walked out of the general store he had bought a strange watch thingie from the general store, he was just going home when crash, the pain seared up through his toe and into his head. He toppled to the ground and whacked his watch on the ground
A boy by the name of hutr had just walked out of the general store he had bought a strange watch thingie from the general store, he was just going home when crash, the pain seared up through his toe and into his head. He toppled to the ground and whacked his watch on the ground
A boy by the name of hutr had just walked out of the general store he had bought a strange watch thingie from the general store, he was just going home when crash, the pain seared up through his toe and into his head. He toppled to the ground and whacked his watch on the ground
A boy by the name of hutr had just walked out of the general store he had bought a strange watch thingie from the general store, he was just going home when crash, the pain seared up through his toe and into his head. He toppled to the ground and whacked his watch on the ground
A boy by the name of hutr had just walked out of the general store he had bought a strange watch thingie from the general store, he was just going home when crash, the pain seared up through his toe and into his head. He toppled to the ground and whacked his watch on the ground
A boy by the name of hutr had just walked out of the general store he had bought a strange watch thingie from the general store, he was just going home when crash, the pain seared up through his toe and into his head. He toppled to the ground and whacked his watch on the ground
A boy by the name of hutr had just walked out of the general store he had bought a strange watch thingie from the general store, he was just going home when crash, the pain seared up through his toe and into his head. He toppled to the ground and whacked his watch on the ground
A boy by the name of hutr had just walked out of the general store he had bought a strange watch thingie from the general store, he was just going home when crash, the pain seared up through his toe and into his head. He toppled to the ground and whacked his watch on the ground
A boy by the name of hutr had just walked out of the general store he had bought a strange watch thingie from the general store, he was just going home when crash, the pain seared up through his toe and into his head. He toppled to the ground and whacked his watch on the ground
A boy by the name of hutr had just walked out of the general store he had bought a strange watch thingie from the general store, he was just going home when crash, the pain seared up through his toe and into his head. He toppled to the ground and whacked his watch on the ground
A boy by the name of hutr had just walked out of the general store he had bought a strange watch thingie from the general store, he was just going home when crash, the pain seared up through his toe and into his head. He toppled to the ground and whacked his watch on the ground
A boy by the name of hutr had just walked out of the general store he had bought a strange watch thingie from the general store, he was just going home when crash, the pain seared up through his toe and into his head. He toppled to the ground and whacked his watch on the ground
A boy by the name of hutr had just walked out of the general store he had bought a strange watch thingie from the general store, he was just going home when crash, the pain seared up through his toe and into his head. He toppled to the ground and whacked his watch on the ground
A boy by the name of hutr had just walked out of the general store he had bought a strange watch thingie from the general store, he was just going home when crash, the pain seared up through his toe and into his head. He toppled to the ground and whacked his watch on the ground
A boy by the name of hutr had just walked out of the general store he had bought a strange watch thingie from the general store, he was just going home when crash, the pain seared up through his toe and into his head. He toppled to the ground and whacked his watch on the ground
A boy by the name of hutr had just walked out of the general store he had bought a strange watch thingie from the general store, he was just going home when crash, the pain seared up through his toe and into his head. He toppled to the ground and whacked his watch on the ground
A boy by the name of hutr had just walked out of the general store he had bought a strange watch thingie from the general store, he was just going home when crash, the pain seared up through his toe and into his head. He toppled to the ground and whacked his watch on the ground
A boy by the name of hutr had just walked out of the general store he had bought a strange watch thingie from the general store, he was just going home when crash, the pain seared up through his toe and into his head. He toppled to the ground and whacked his watch on the ground
A boy by the name of hutr had just walked out of the general store he had bought a strange watch thingie from the general store, he was just going home when crash, the pain seared up through his toe and into his head. He toppled to the ground and whacked his watch on the ground
A boy by the name of hutr had just walked out of the general store he had bought a strange watch thingie from the general store, he was just going home when crash, the pain seared up through his toe and into his head. He toppled to the ground and whacked his watch on the ground
A boy by the name of hutr had just walked out of the general store he had bought a strange watch thingie from the general store, he was just going home when crash, the pain seared up through his toe and into his head. He toppled to the ground and whacked his watch on the ground
A boy by the name of hutr had just walked out of the general store he had bought a strange watch thingie from the general store, he was just going home when crash, the pain seared up through his toe and into his head. He toppled to the ground and whacked his watch on the ground
A boy by the name of hutr had just walked out of the general store he had bought a strange watch thingie from the general store, he was just going home when crash, the pain seared up through his toe and into his head. He toppled to the ground and whacked his watch on the ground
A boy by the name of hutr had just walked out of the general store he had bought a strange watch thingie from the general store, he was just going home when crash, the pain seared up through his toe and into his head. He toppled to the ground and whacked his watch on the ground
A boy by the name of hutr had just walked out of the general store he had bought a strange watch thingie from the general store, he was just going home when crash, the pain seared up through his toe and into his head. He toppled to the ground and whacked his watch on the ground
A boy by the name of hutr had just walked out of the general store he had bought a strange watch thingie from the general store, he was just going home when crash, the pain seared up through his toe and into his head. He toppled to the ground and whacked his watch on the ground
A boy by the name of hutr had just walked out of the general store he had bought a strange watch thingie from the general store, he was just going home when crash, the pain seared up through his toe and into his head. He toppled to the ground and whacked his watch on the ground
A boy by the name of hutr had just walked out of the general store he had bought a strange watch thingie from the general store, he was just going home when crash, the pain seared up through his toe and into his head. He toppled to the ground and whacked his watch on the ground
A boy by the name of hutr had just walked out of the general store he had bought a strange watch thingie from the general store, he was just going home when crash, the pain seared up through his toe and into his head. He toppled to the ground and whacked his watch on the ground
A boy by the name of hutr had just walked out of the general store he had bought a strange watch thingie from the general store, he was just going home when crash, the pain seared up through his toe and into his head. He toppled to the ground and whacked his watch on the ground
A boy by the name of hutr had just walked out of the general store he had bought a strange watch thingie from the general store, he was just going home when crash, the pain seared up through his toe and into his head. He toppled to the ground and whacked his watch on the ground
A boy by the name of hutr had just walked out of the general store he had bought a strange watch thingie from the general store, he was just going home when crash, the pain seared up through his toe and into his head. He toppled to the ground and whacked his watch on the ground
A boy by the name of hutr had just walked out of the general store he had bought a strange watch thingie from the general store, he was just going home when crash, the pain seared up through his toe and into his head. He toppled to the ground and whacked his watch on the ground
A boy by the name of hutr had just walked out of the general store he had bought a strange watch thingie from the general store, he was just going home when crash, the pain seared up through his toe and into his head. He toppled to the ground and whacked his watch on the ground
A boy by the name of hutr had just walked out of the general store he had bought a strange watch thingie from the general store, he was just going home when crash, the pain seared up through his toe and into his head. He toppled to the ground and whacked his watch on the ground
A boy by the name of hutr had just walked out of the general store he had bought a strange watch thingie from the general store, he was just going home when crash, the pain seared up through his toe and into his head. He toppled to the ground and whacked his watch on the ground
A boy by the name of hutr had just walked out of the general store he had bought a strange watch thingie from the general store, he was just going home when crash, the pain seared up through his toe and into his head. He toppled to the ground and whacked his watch on the ground
A boy by the name of hutr had just walked out of the general store he had bought a strange watch thingie from the general store, he was just going home when crash, the pain seared up through his toe and into his head. He toppled to the ground and whacked his watch on the ground
A boy by the name of hutr had just walked out of the general store he had bought a strange watch thingie from the general store, he was just going home when crash, the pain seared up through his toe and into his head. He toppled to the ground and whacked his watch on the ground
A boy by the name of hutr had just walked out of the general store he had bought a strange watch thingie from the general store, he was just going home when crash, the pain seared up through his toe and into his head. He toppled to the ground and whacked his watch on the ground
A boy by the name of hutr had just walked out of the general store he had bought a strange watch thingie from the general store, he was just going home when crash, the pain seared up through his toe and into his head. He toppled to the ground and whacked his watch on the ground
A boy by the name of hutr had just walked out of the general store he had bought a strange watch thingie from the general store, he was just going home when crash, the pain seared up through his toe and into his head. He toppled to the ground and whacked his watch on the ground
A boy by the name of hutr had just walked out of the general store he had bought a strange watch thingie from the general store, he was just going home when crash, the pain seared up through his toe and into his head. He toppled to the ground and whacked his watch on the ground
A boy by the name of hutr had just walked out of the general store he had bought a strange watch thingie from the general store, he was just going home when crash, the pain seared up through his toe and into his head. He toppled to the ground and whacked his watch on the ground
A boy by the name of hutr had just walked out of the general store he had bought a strange watch thingie from the general store, he was just going home when crash, the pain seared up through his toe and into his head. He toppled to the ground and whacked his watch on the ground
A boy by the name of hutr had just walked out of the general store he had bought a strange watch thingie from the general store, he was just going home when crash, the pain seared up through his toe and into his head. He toppled to the ground and whacked his watch on the ground
A boy by the name of hutr had just walked out of the general store he had bought a strange watch thingie from the general store, he was just going home when crash, the pain seared up through his toe and into his head. He toppled to the ground and whacked his watch on the ground
A boy by the name of hutr had just walked out of the general store he had bought a strange watch thingie from the general store, he was just going home when crash, the pain seared up through his toe and into his head. He toppled to the ground and whacked his watch on the ground
A boy by the name of hutr had just walked out of the general store he had bought a strange watch thingie from the general store, he was just going home when crash, the pain seared up through his toe and into his head. He toppled to the ground and whacked his watch on the ground
A boy by the name of hutr had just walked out of the general store he had bought a strange watch thingie from the general store, he was just going home when crash, the pain seared up through his toe and into his head. He toppled to the ground and whacked his watch on the ground
A boy by the name of hutr had just walked out of the general store he had bought a strange watch thingie from the general store, he was just going home when crash, the pain seared up through his toe and into his head. He toppled to the ground and whacked his watch on the ground
A boy by the name of hutr had just walked out of the general store he had bought a strange watch thingie from the general store, he was just going home when crash, the pain seared up through his toe and into his head. He toppled to the ground and whacked his watch on the ground
A boy by the name of hutr had just walked out of the general store he had bought a strange watch thingie from the general store, he was just going home when crash, the pain seared up through his toe and into his head. He toppled to the ground and whacked his watch on the ground
A boy by the name of hutr had just walked out of the general store he had bought a strange watch thingie from the general store, he was just going home when crash, the pain seared up through his toe and into his head. He toppled to the ground and whacked his watch on the ground
A boy by the name of hutr had just walked out of the general store he had bought a strange watch thingie from the general store, he was just going home when crash, the pain seared up through his toe and into his head. He toppled to the ground and whacked his watch on the ground
A boy by the name of hutr had just walked out of the general store he had bought a strange watch thingie from the general store, he was just going home when crash, the pain seared up through his toe and into his head. He toppled to the ground and whacked his watch on the ground
A boy by the name of hutr had just walked out of the general store he had bought a strange watch thingie from the general store, he was just going home when crash, the pain seared up through his toe and into his head. He toppled to the ground and whacked his watch on the ground
A boy by the name of hutr had just walked out of the general store he had bought a strange watch thingie from the general store, he was just going home when crash, the pain seared up through his toe and into his head. He toppled to the ground and whacked his watch on the ground
A boy by the name of hutr had just walked out of the general store he had bought a strange watch thingie from the general store, he was just going home when crash, the pain seared up through his toe and into his head. He toppled to the ground and whacked his watch on the ground
A boy by the name of hutr had just walked out of the general store he had bought a strange watch thingie from the general store, he was just going home when crash, the pain seared up through his toe and into his head. He toppled to the ground and whacked his watch on the ground
A boy by the name of hutr had just walked out of the general store he had bought a strange watch thingie from the general store, he was just going home when crash, the pain seared up through his toe and into his head. He toppled to the ground and whacked his watch on the ground
A boy by the name of hutr had just walked out of the general store he had bought a strange watch thingie from the general store, he was just going home when crash, the pain seared up through his toe and into his head. He toppled to the ground and whacked his watch on the ground
A boy by the name of hutr had just walked out of the general store he had bought a strange watch thingie from the general store, he was just going home when crash, the pain seared up through his toe and into his head. He toppled to the ground and whacked his watch on the ground
A boy by the name of hutr had just walked out of the general store he had bought a strange watch thingie from the general store, he was just going home when crash, the pain seared up through his toe and into his head. He toppled to the ground and whacked his watch on the ground
A boy by the name of hutr had just walked out of the general store he had bought a strange watch thingie from the general store, he was just going home when crash, the pain seared up through his toe and into his head. He toppled to the ground and whacked his watch on the ground
A boy by the name of hutr had just walked out of the general store he had bought a strange watch thingie from the general store, he was just going home when crash, the pain seared up through his toe and into his head. He toppled to the ground and whacked his watch on the ground
A boy by the name of hutr had just walked out of the general store he had bought a strange watch thingie from the general store, he was just going home when crash, the pain seared up through his toe and into his head. He toppled to the ground and whacked his watch on the ground
A boy by the name of hutr had just walked out of the general store he had bought a strange watch thingie from the general store, he was just going home when crash, the pain seared up through his toe and into his head. He toppled to the ground and whacked his watch on the ground
A boy by the name of hutr had just walked out of the general store he had bought a strange watch thingie from the general store, he was just going home when crash, the pain seared up through his toe and into his head. He toppled to the ground and whacked his watch on the ground
A boy by the name of hutr had just walked out of the general store he had bought a strange watch thingie from the general store, he was just going home when crash, the pain seared up through his toe and into his head. He toppled to the ground and whacked his watch on the ground
A boy by the name of hutr had just walked out of the general store he had bought a strange watch thingie from the general store, he was just going home when crash, the pain seared up through his toe and into his head. He toppled to the ground and whacked his watch on the ground
A boy by the name of hutr had just walked out of the general store he had bought a strange watch thingie from the general store, he was just going home when crash, the pain seared up through his toe and into his head. He toppled to the ground and whacked his watch on the ground
A boy by the name of hutr had just walked out of the general store he had bought a strange watch thingie from the general store, he was just going home when crash, the pain seared up through his toe and into his head. He toppled to the ground and whacked his watch on the ground
A boy by the name of hutr had just walked out of the general store he had bought a strange watch thingie from the general store, he was just going home when crash, the pain seared up through his toe and into his head. He toppled to the ground and whacked his watch on the ground
A boy by the name of hutr had just walked out of the general store he had bought a strange watch thingie from the general store, he was just going home when crash, the pain seared up through his toe and into his head. He toppled to the ground and whacked his watch on the ground
A boy by the name of hutr had just walked out of the general store he had bought a strange watch thingie from the general store, he was just going home when crash, the pain seared up through his toe and into his head. He toppled to the ground and whacked his watch on the ground
A boy by the name of hutr had just walked out of the general store he had bought a strange watch thingie from the general store, he was just going home when crash, the pain seared up through his toe and into his head. He toppled to the ground and whacked his watch on the ground
A boy by the name of hutr had just walked out of the general store he had bought a strange watch thingie from the general store, he was just going home when crash, the pain seared up through his toe and into his head. He toppled to the ground and whacked his watch on the ground
A boy by the name of hutr had just walked out of the general store he had bought a strange watch thingie from the general store, he was just going home when crash, the pain seared up through his toe and into his head. He toppled to the ground and whacked his watch on the ground
A boy by the name of hutr had just walked out of the general store he had bought a strange watch thingie from the general store, he was just going home when crash, the pain seared up through his toe and into his head. He toppled to the ground and whacked his watch on the ground
A boy by the name of hutr had just walked out of the general store he had bought a strange watch thingie from the general store, he was just going home when crash, the pain seared up through his toe and into his head. He toppled to the ground and whacked his watch on the ground
A boy by the name of hutr had just walked out of the general store he had bought a strange watch thingie from the general store, he was just going home when crash, the pain seared up through his toe and into his head. He toppled to the ground and whacked his watch on the ground
A boy by the name of hutr had just walked out of the general store he had bought a strange watch thingie from the general store, he was just going home when crash, the pain seared up through his toe and into his head. He toppled to the ground and whacked his watch on the ground
A boy by the name of hutr had just walked out of the general store he had bought a strange watch thingie from the general store, he was just going home when crash, the pain seared up through his toe and into his head. He toppled to the ground and whacked his watch on the ground
A boy by the name of hutr had just walked out of the general store he had bought a strange watch thingie from the general store, he was just going home when crash, the pain seared up through his toe and into his head. He toppled to the ground and whacked his watch on the ground
A boy by the name of hutr had just walked out of the general store he had bought a strange watch thingie from the general store, he was just going home when crash, the pain seared up through his toe and into his head. He toppled to the ground and whacked his watch on the ground
A boy by the name of hutr had just walked out of the general store he had bought a strange watch thingie from the general store, he was just going home when crash, the pain seared up through his toe and into his head. He toppled to the ground and whacked his watch on the ground
A boy by the name of hutr had just walked out of the general store he had bought a strange watch thingie from the general store, he was just going home when crash, the pain seared up through his toe and into his head. He toppled to the ground and whacked his watch on the ground
A boy by the name of hutr had just walked out of the general store he had bought a strange watch thingie from the general store, he was just going home when crash, the pain seared up through his toe and into his head. He toppled to the ground and whacked his watch on the ground
A boy by the name of hutr had just walked out of the general store he had bought a strange watch thingie from the general store, he was just going home when crash, the pain seared up through his toe and into his head. He toppled to the ground and whacked his watch on the ground
A boy by the name of hutr had just walked out of the general store he had bought a strange watch thingie from the general store, he was just going home when crash, the pain seared up through his toe and into his head. He toppled to the ground and whacked his watch on the ground
A boy by the name of hutr had just walked out of the general store he had bought a strange watch thingie from the general store, he was just going home when crash, the pain seared up through his toe and into his head. He toppled to the ground and whacked his watch on the ground
A boy by the name of hutr had just walked out of the general store he had bought a strange watch thingie from the general store, he was just going home when crash, the pain seared up through his toe and into his head. He toppled to the ground and whacked his watch on the ground
A boy by the name of hutr had just walked out of the general store he had bought a strange watch thingie from the general store, he was just going home when crash, the pain seared up through his toe and into his head. He toppled to the ground and whacked his watch on the ground
A boy by the name of hutr had just walked out of the general store he had bought a strange watch thingie from the general store, he was just going home when crash, the pain seared up through his toe and into his head. He toppled to the ground and whacked his watch on the ground
A boy by the name of hutr had just walked out of the general store he had bought a strange watch thingie from the general store, he was just going home when crash, the pain seared up through his toe and into his head. He toppled to the ground and whacked his watch on the ground
A boy by the name of hutr had just walked out of the general store he had bought a strange watch thingie from the general store, he was just going home when crash, the pain seared up through his toe and into his head. He toppled to the ground and whacked his watch on the ground
A boy by the name of hutr had just walked out of the general store he had bought a strange watch thingie from the general store, he was just going home when crash, the pain seared up through his toe and into his head. He toppled to the ground and whacked his watch on the ground
A boy by the name of hutr had just walked out of the general store he had bought a strange watch thingie from the general store, he was just going home when crash, the pain seared up through his toe and into his head. He toppled to the ground and whacked his watch on the ground
A boy by the name of hutr had just walked out of the general store he had bought a strange watch thingie from the general store, he was just going home when crash, the pain seared up through his toe and into his head. He toppled to the ground and whacked his watch on the ground
A boy by the name of hutr had just walked out of the general store he had bought a strange watch thingie from the general store, he was just going home when crash, the pain seared up through his toe and into his head. He toppled to the ground and whacked his watch on the ground
A boy by the name of hutr had just walked out of the general store he had bought a strange watch thingie from the general store, he was just going home when crash, the pain seared up through his toe and into his head. He toppled to the ground and whacked his watch on the ground
A boy by the name of hutr had just walked out of the general store he had bought a strange watch thingie from the general store, he was just going home when crash, the pain seared up through his toe and into his head. He toppled to the ground and whacked his watch on the ground
A boy by the name of hutr had just walked out of the general store he had bought a strange watch thingie from the general store, he was just going home when crash, the pain seared up through his toe and into his head. He toppled to the ground and whacked his watch on the ground
A boy by the name of hutr had just walked out of the general store he had bought a strange watch thingie from the general store, he was just going home when crash, the pain seared up through his toe and into his head. He toppled to the ground and whacked his watch on the ground
A boy by the name of hutr had just walked out of the general store he had bought a strange watch thingie from the general store, he was just going home when crash, the pain seared up through his toe and into his head. He toppled to the ground and whacked his watch on the ground
A boy by the name of hutr had just walked out of the general store he had bought a strange watch thingie from the general store, he was just going home when crash, the pain seared up through his toe and into his head. He toppled to the ground and whacked his watch on the ground
A boy by the name of hutr had just walked out of the general store he had bought a strange watch thingie from the general store, he was just going home when crash, the pain seared up through his toe and into his head. He toppled to the ground and whacked his watch on the ground
A boy by the name of hutr had just walked out of the general store he had bought a strange watch thingie from the general store, he was just going home when crash, the pain seared up through his toe and into his head. He toppled to the ground and whacked his watch on the ground
A boy by the name of hutr had just walked out of the general store he had bought a strange watch thingie from the general store, he was just going home when crash, the pain seared up through his toe and into his head. He toppled to the ground and whacked his watch on the ground
A boy by the name of hutr had just walked out of the general store he had bought a strange watch thingie from the general store, he was just going home when crash, the pain seared up through his toe and into his head. He toppled to the ground and whacked his watch on the ground
A boy by the name of hutr had just walked out of the general store he had bought a strange watch thingie from the general store, he was just going home when crash, the pain seared up through his toe and into his head. He toppled to the ground and whacked his watch on the ground
A boy by the name of hutr had just walked out of the general store he had bought a strange watch thingie from the general store, he was just going home when crash, the pain seared up through his toe and into his head. He toppled to the ground and whacked his watch on the ground
A boy by the name of hutr had just walked out of the general store he had bought a strange watch thingie from the general store, he was just going home when crash, the pain seared up through his toe and into his head. He toppled to the ground and whacked his watch on the ground
A boy by the name of hutr had just walked out of the general store he had bought a strange watch thingie from the general store, he was just going home when crash, the pain seared up through his toe and into his head. He toppled to the ground and whacked his watch on the ground
A boy by the name of hutr had just walked out of the general store he had bought a strange watch thingie from the general store, he was just going home when crash, the pain seared up through his toe and into his head. He toppled to the ground and whacked his watch on the ground
A boy by the name of hutr had just walked out of the general store he had bought a strange watch thingie from the general store, he was just going home when crash, the pain seared up through his toe and into his head. He toppled to the ground and whacked his watch on the ground
A boy by the name of hutr had just walked out of the general store he had bought a strange watch thingie from the general store, he was just going home when crash, the pain seared up through his toe and into his head. He toppled to the ground and whacked his watch on the ground
A boy by the name of hutr had just walked out of the general store he had bought a strange watch thingie from the general store, he was just going home when crash, the pain seared up through his toe and into his head. He toppled to the ground and whacked his watch on the ground
A boy by the name of hutr had just walked out of the general store he had bought a strange watch thingie from the general store, he was just going home when crash, the pain seared up through his toe and into his head. He toppled to the ground and whacked his watch on the ground
A boy by the name of hutr had just walked out of the general store he had bought a strange watch thingie from the general store, he was just going home when crash, the pain seared up through his toe and into his head. He toppled to the ground and whacked his watch on the ground
A boy by the name of hutr had just walked out of the general store he had bought a strange watch thingie from the general store, he was just going home when crash, the pain seared up through his toe and into his head. He toppled to the ground and whacked his watch on the ground
A boy by the name of hutr had just walked out of the general store he had bought a strange watch thingie from the general store, he was just going home when crash, the pain seared up through his toe and into his head. He toppled to the ground and whacked his watch on the ground
A boy by the name of hutr had just walked out of the general store he had bought a strange watch thingie from the general store, he was just going home when crash, the pain seared up through his toe and into his head. He toppled to the ground and whacked his watch on the ground
A boy by the name of hutr had just walked out of the general store he had bought a strange watch thingie from the general store, he was just going home when crash, the pain seared up through his toe and into his head. He toppled to the ground and whacked his watch on the ground
A boy by the name of hutr had just walked out of the general store he had bought a strange watch thingie from the general store, he was just going home when crash, the pain seared up through his toe and into his head. He toppled to the ground and whacked his watch on the ground
A boy by the name of hutr had just walked out of the general store he had bought a strange watch thingie from the general store, he was just going home when crash, the pain seared up through his toe and into his head. He toppled to the ground and whacked his watch on the ground
A boy by the name of hutr had just walked out of the general store he had bought a strange watch thingie from the general store, he was just going home when crash, the pain seared up through his toe and into his head. He toppled to the ground and whacked his watch on the ground
A boy by the name of hutr had just walked out of the general store he had bought a strange watch thingie from the general store, he was just going home when crash, the pain seared up through his toe and into his head. He toppled to the ground and whacked his watch on the ground
A boy by the name of hutr had just walked out of the general store he had bought a strange watch thingie from the general store, he was just going home when crash, the pain seared up through his toe and into his head. He toppled to the ground and whacked his watch on the ground
A boy by the name of hutr had just walked out of the general store he had bought a strange watch thingie from the general store, he was just going home when crash, the pain seared up through his toe and into his head. He toppled to the ground and whacked his watch on the ground
A boy by the name of hutr had just walked out of the general store he had bought a strange watch thingie from the general store, he was just going home when crash, the pain seared up through his toe and into his head. He toppled to the ground and whacked his watch on the ground
A boy by the name of hutr had just walked out of the general store he had bought a strange watch thingie from the general store, he was just going home when crash, the pain seared up through his toe and into his head. He toppled to the ground and whacked his watch on the ground
A boy by the name of hutr had just walked out of the general store he had bought a strange watch thingie from the general store, he was just going home when crash, the pain seared up through his toe and into his head. He toppled to the ground and whacked his watch on the ground
A boy by the name of hutr had just walked out of the general store he had bought a strange watch thingie from the general store, he was just going home when crash, the pain seared up through his toe and into his head. He toppled to the ground and whacked his watch on the ground
A boy by the name of hutr had just walked out of the general store he had bought a strange watch thingie from the general store, he was just going home when crash, the pain seared up through his toe and into his head. He toppled to the ground and whacked his watch on the ground
A boy by the name of hutr had just walked out of the general store he had bought a strange watch thingie from the general store, he was just going home when crash, the pain seared up through his toe and into his head. He toppled to the ground and whacked his watch on the ground
A boy by the name of hutr had just walked out of the general store he had bought a strange watch thingie from the general store, he was just going home when crash, the pain seared up through his toe and into his head. He toppled to the ground and whacked his watch on the ground
A boy by the name of hutr had just walked out of the general store he had bought a strange watch thingie from the general store, he was just going home when crash, the pain seared up through his toe and into his head. He toppled to the ground and whacked his watch on the ground
A boy by the name of hutr had just walked out of the general store he had bought a strange watch thingie from the general store, he was just going home when crash, the pain seared up through his toe and into his head. He toppled to the ground and whacked his watch on the ground
A boy by the name of hutr had just walked out of the general store he had bought a strange watch thingie from the general store, he was just going home when crash, the pain seared up through his toe and into his head. He toppled to the ground and whacked his watch on the ground
A boy by the name of hutr had just walked out of the general store he had bought a strange watch thingie from the general store, he was just going home when crash, the pain seared up through his toe and into his head. He toppled to the ground and whacked his watch on the ground
A boy by the name of hutr had just walked out of the general store he had bought a strange watch thingie from the general store, he was just going home when crash, the pain seared up through his toe and into his head. He toppled to the ground and whacked his watch on the ground
A boy by the name of hutr had just walked out of the general store he had bought a strange watch thingie from the general store, he was just going home when crash, the pain seared up through his toe and into his head. He toppled to the ground and whacked his watch on the ground
A boy by the name of hutr had just walked out of the general store he had bought a strange watch thingie from the general store, he was just going home when crash, the pain seared up through his toe and into his head. He toppled to the ground and whacked his watch on the ground
A boy by the name of hutr had just walked out of the general store he had bought a strange watch thingie from the general store, he was just going home when crash, the pain seared up through his toe and into his head. He toppled to the ground and whacked his watch on the ground
A boy by the name of hutr had just walked out of the general store he had bought a strange watch thingie from the general store, he was just going home when crash, the pain seared up through his toe and into his head. He toppled to the ground and whacked his watch on the ground
A boy by the name of hutr had just walked out of the general store he had bought a strange watch thingie from the general store, he was just going home when crash, the pain seared up through his toe and into his head. He toppled to the ground and whacked his watch on the ground
A boy by the name of hutr had just walked out of the general store he had bought a strange watch thingie from the general store, he was just going home when crash, the pain seared up through his toe and into his head. He toppled to the ground and whacked his watch on the ground
A boy by the name of hutr had just walked out of the general store he had bought a strange watch thingie from the general store, he was just going home when crash, the pain seared up through his toe and into his head. He toppled to the ground and whacked his watch on the ground
A boy by the name of hutr had just walked out of the general store he had bought a strange watch thingie from the general store, he was just going home when crash, the pain seared up through his toe and into his head. He toppled to the ground and whacked his watch on the ground
A boy by the name of hutr had just walked out of the general store he had bought a strange watch thingie from the general store, he was just going home when crash, the pain seared up through his toe and into his head. He toppled to the ground and whacked his watch on the ground
A boy by the name of hutr had just walked out of the general store he had bought a strange watch thingie from the general store, he was just going home when crash, the pain seared up through his toe and into his head. He toppled to the ground and whacked his watch on the ground
A boy by the name of hutr had just walked out of the general store he had bought a strange watch thingie from the general store, he was just going home when crash, the pain seared up through his toe and into his head. He toppled to the ground and whacked his watch on the ground
A boy by the name of hutr had just walked out of the general store he had bought a strange watch thingie from the general store, he was just going home when crash, the pain seared up through his toe and into his head. He toppled to the ground and whacked his watch on the ground
A boy by the name of hutr had just walked out of the general store he had bought a strange watch thingie from the general store, he was just going home when crash, the pain seared up through his toe and into his head. He toppled to the ground and whacked his watch on the ground
A boy by the name of hutr had just walked out of the general store he had bought a strange watch thingie from the general store, he was just going home when crash, the pain seared up through his toe and into his head. He toppled to the ground and whacked his watch on the ground
A boy by the name of hutr had just walked out of the general store he had bought a strange watch thingie from the general store, he was just going home when crash, the pain seared up through his toe and into his head. He toppled to the ground and whacked his watch on the ground
A boy by the name of hutr had just walked out of the general store he had bought a strange watch thingie from the general store, he was just going home when crash, the pain seared up through his toe and into his head. He toppled to the ground and whacked his watch on the ground
A boy by the name of hutr had just walked out of the general store he had bought a strange watch thingie from the general store, he was just going home when crash, the pain seared up through his toe and into his head. He toppled to the ground and whacked his watch on the ground
A boy by the name of hutr had just walked out of the general store he had bought a strange watch thingie from the general store, he was just going home when crash, the pain seared up through his toe and into his head. He toppled to the ground and whacked his watch on the ground
A boy by the name of hutr had just walked out of the general store he had bought a strange watch thingie from the general store, he was just going home when crash, the pain seared up through his toe and into his head. He toppled to the ground and whacked his watch on the ground
A boy by the name of hutr had just walked out of the general store he had bought a strange watch thingie from the general store, he was just going home when crash, the pain seared up through his toe and into his head. He toppled to the ground and whacked his watch on the ground
A boy by the name of hutr had just walked out of the general store he had bought a strange watch thingie from the general store, he was just going home when crash, the pain seared up through his toe and into his head. He toppled to the ground and whacked his watch on the ground
A boy by the name of hutr had just walked out of the general store he had bought a strange watch thingie from the general store, he was just going home when crash, the pain seared up through his toe and into his head. He toppled to the ground and whacked his watch on the ground
A boy by the name of hutr had just walked out of the general store he had bought a strange watch thingie from the general store, he was just going home when crash, the pain seared up through his toe and into his head. He toppled to the ground and whacked his watch on the ground
A boy by the name of hutr had just walked out of the general store he had bought a strange watch thingie from the general store, he was just going home when crash, the pain seared up through his toe and into his head. He toppled to the ground and whacked his watch on the ground
A boy by the name of hutr had just walked out of the general store he had bought a strange watch thingie from the general store, he was just going home when crash, the pain seared up through his toe and into his head. He toppled to the ground and whacked his watch on the ground
A boy by the name of hutr had just walked out of the general store he had bought a strange watch thingie from the general store, he was just going home when crash, the pain seared up through his toe and into his head. He toppled to the ground and whacked his watch on the ground
A boy by the name of hutr had just walked out of the general store he had bought a strange watch thingie from the general store, he was just going home when crash, the pain seared up through his toe and into his head. He toppled to the ground and whacked his watch on the ground
A boy by the name of hutr had just walked out of the general store he had bought a strange watch thingie from the general store, he was just going home when crash, the pain seared up through his toe and into his head. He toppled to the ground and whacked his watch on the ground
A boy by the name of hutr had just walked out of the general store he had bought a strange watch thingie from the general store, he was just going home when crash, the pain seared up through his toe and into his head. He toppled to the ground and whacked his watch on the ground
A boy by the name of hutr had just walked out of the general store he had bought a strange watch thingie from the general store, he was just going home when crash, the pain seared up through his toe and into his head. He toppled to the ground and whacked his watch on the ground
A boy by the name of hutr had just walked out of the general store he had bought a strange watch thingie from the general store, he was just going home when crash, the pain seared up through his toe and into his head. He toppled to the ground and whacked his watch on the ground
A boy by the name of hutr had just walked out of the general store he had bought a strange watch thingie from the general store, he was just going home when crash, the pain seared up through his toe and into his head. He toppled to the ground and whacked his watch on the ground
A boy by the name of hutr had just walked out of the general store he had bought a strange watch thingie from the general store, he was just going home when crash, the pain seared up through his toe and into his head. He toppled to the ground and whacked his watch on the ground
A boy by the name of hutr had just walked out of the general store he had bought a strange watch thingie from the general store, he was just going home when crash, the pain seared up through his toe and into his head. He toppled to the ground and whacked his watch on the ground
A boy by the name of hutr had just walked out of the general store he had bought a strange watch thingie from the general store, he was just going home when crash, the pain seared up through his toe and into his head. He toppled to the ground and whacked his watch on the ground
A boy by the name of hutr had just walked out of the general store he had bought a strange watch thingie from the general store, he was just going home when crash, the pain seared up through his toe and into his head. He toppled to the ground and whacked his watch on the ground
A boy by the name of hutr had just walked out of the general store he had bought a strange watch thingie from the general store, he was just going home when crash, the pain seared up through his toe and into his head. He toppled to the ground and whacked his watch on the ground
A boy by the name of hutr had just walked out of the general store he had bought a strange watch thingie from the general store, he was just going home when crash, the pain seared up through his toe and into his head. He toppled to the ground and whacked his watch on the ground
A boy by the name of hutr had just walked out of the general store he had bought a strange watch thingie from the general store, he was just going home when crash, the pain seared up through his toe and into his head. He toppled to the ground and whacked his watch on the ground
A boy by the name of hutr had just walked out of the general store he had bought a strange watch thingie from the general store, he was just going home when crash, the pain seared up through his toe and into his head. He toppled to the ground and whacked his watch on the ground
A boy by the name of hutr had just walked out of the general store he had bought a strange watch thingie from the general store, he was just going home when crash, the pain seared up through his toe and into his head. He toppled to the ground and whacked his watch on the ground
A boy by the name of hutr had just walked out of the general store he had bought a strange watch thingie from the general store, he was just going home when crash, the pain seared up through his toe and into his head. He toppled to the ground and whacked his watch on the ground
A boy by the name of hutr had just walked out of the general store he had bought a strange watch thingie from the general store, he was just going home when crash, the pain seared up through his toe and into his head. He toppled to the ground and whacked his watch on the ground
A boy by the name of hutr had just walked out of the general store he had bought a strange watch thingie from the general store, he was just going home when crash, the pain seared up through his toe and into his head. He toppled to the ground and whacked his watch on the ground
A boy by the name of hutr had just walked out of the general store he had bought a strange watch thingie from the general store, he was just going home when crash, the pain seared up through his toe and into his head. He toppled to the ground and whacked his watch on the ground
A boy by the name of hutr had just walked out of the general store he had bought a strange watch thingie from the general store, he was just going home when crash, the pain seared up through his toe and into his head. He toppled to the ground and whacked his watch on the ground
A boy by the name of hutr had just walked out of the general store he had bought a strange watch thingie from the general store, he was just going home when crash, the pain seared up through his toe and into his head. He toppled to the ground and whacked his watch on the ground
A boy by the name of hutr had just walked out of the general store he had bought a strange watch thingie from the general store, he was just going home when crash, the pain seared up through his toe and into his head. He toppled to the ground and whacked his watch on the ground
A boy by the name of hutr had just walked out of the general store he had bought a strange watch thingie from the general store, he was just going home when crash, the pain seared up through his toe and into his head. He toppled to the ground and whacked his watch on the ground
A boy by the name of hutr had just walked out of the general store he had bought a strange watch thingie from the general store, he was just going home when crash, the pain seared up through his toe and into his head. He toppled to the ground and whacked his watch on the ground
A boy by the name of hutr had just walked out of the general store he had bought a strange watch thingie from the general store, he was just going home when crash, the pain seared up through his toe and into his head. He toppled to the ground and whacked his watch on the ground
A boy by the name of hutr had just walked out of the general store he had bought a strange watch thingie from the general store, he was just going home when crash, the pain seared up through his toe and into his head. He toppled to the ground and whacked his watch on the ground
A boy by the name of hutr had just walked out of the general store he had bought a strange watch thingie from the general store, he was just going home when crash, the pain seared up through his toe and into his head. He toppled to the ground and whacked his watch on the ground
A boy by the name of hutr had just walked out of the general store he had bought a strange watch thingie from the general store, he was just going home when crash, the pain seared up through his toe and into his head. He toppled to the ground and whacked his watch on the ground
A boy by the name of hutr had just walked out of the general store he had bought a strange watch thingie from the general store, he was just going home when crash, the pain seared up through his toe and into his head. He toppled to the ground and whacked his watch on the ground
A boy by the name of hutr had just walked out of the general store he had bought a strange watch thingie from the general store, he was just going home when crash, the pain seared up through his toe and into his head. He toppled to the ground and whacked his watch on the ground
A boy by the name of hutr had just walked out of the general store he had bought a strange watch thingie from the general store, he was just going home when crash, the pain seared up through his toe and into his head. He toppled to the ground and whacked his watch on the ground
A boy by the name of hutr had just walked out of the general store he had bought a strange watch thingie from the general store, he was just going home when crash, the pain seared up through his toe and into his head. He toppled to the ground and whacked his watch on the ground
A boy by the name of hutr had just walked out of the general store he had bought a strange watch thingie from the general store, he was just going home when crash, the pain seared up through his toe and into his head. He toppled to the ground and whacked his watch on the ground
A boy by the name of hutr had just walked out of the general store he had bought a strange watch thingie from the general store, he was just going home when crash, the pain seared up through his toe and into his head. He toppled to the ground and whacked his watch on the ground
A boy by the name of hutr had just walked out of the general store he had bought a strange watch thingie from the general store, he was just going home when crash, the pain seared up through his toe and into his head. He toppled to the ground and whacked his watch on the ground
A boy by the name of hutr had just walked out of the general store he had bought a strange watch thingie from the general store, he was just going home when crash, the pain seared up through his toe and into his head. He toppled to the ground and whacked his watch on the ground
A boy by the name of hutr had just walked out of the general store he had bought a strange watch thingie from the general store, he was just going home when crash, the pain seared up through his toe and into his head. He toppled to the ground and whacked his watch on the ground
A boy by the name of hutr had just walked out of the general store he had bought a strange watch thingie from the general store, he was just going home when crash, the pain seared up through his toe and into his head. He toppled to the ground and whacked his watch on the ground
A boy by the name of hutr had just walked out of the general store he had bought a strange watch thingie from the general store, he was just going home when crash, the pain seared up through his toe and into his head. He toppled to the ground and whacked his watch on the ground
A boy by the name of hutr had just walked out of the general store he had bought a strange watch thingie from the general store, he was just going home when crash, the pain seared up through his toe and into his head. He toppled to the ground and whacked his watch on the ground
A boy by the name of hutr had just walked out of the general store he had bought a strange watch thingie from the general store, he was just going home when crash, the pain seared up through his toe and into his head. He toppled to the ground and whacked his watch on the ground
A boy by the name of hutr had just walked out of the general store he had bought a strange watch thingie from the general store, he was just going home when crash, the pain seared up through his toe and into his head. He toppled to the ground and whacked his watch on the ground
A boy by the name of hutr had just walked out of the general store he had bought a strange watch thingie from the general store, he was just going home when crash, the pain seared up through his toe and into his head. He toppled to the ground and whacked his watch on the ground
A boy by the name of hutr had just walked out of the general store he had bought a strange watch thingie from the general store, he was just going home when crash, the pain seared up through his toe and into his head. He toppled to the ground and whacked his watch on the ground
A boy by the name of hutr had just walked out of the general store he had bought a strange watch thingie from the general store, he was just going home when crash, the pain seared up through his toe and into his head. He toppled to the ground and whacked his watch on the ground
A boy by the name of hutr had just walked out of the general store he had bought a strange watch thingie from the general store, he was just going home when crash, the pain seared up through his toe and into his head. He toppled to the ground and whacked his watch on the ground
A boy by the name of hutr had just walked out of the general store he had bought a strange watch thingie from the general store, he was just going home when crash, the pain seared up through his toe and into his head. He toppled to the ground and whacked his watch on the ground
A boy by the name of hutr had just walked out of the general store he had bought a strange watch thingie from the general store, he was just going home when crash, the pain seared up through his toe and into his head. He toppled to the ground and whacked his watch on the ground
A boy by the name of hutr had just walked out of the general store he had bought a strange watch thingie from the general store, he was just going home when crash, the pain seared up through his toe and into his head. He toppled to the ground and whacked his watch on the ground
A boy by the name of hutr had just walked out of the general store he had bought a strange watch thingie from the general store, he was just going home when crash, the pain seared up through his toe and into his head. He toppled to the ground and whacked his watch on the ground
A boy by the name of hutr had just walked out of the general store he had bought a strange watch thingie from the general store, he was just going home when crash, the pain seared up through his toe and into his head. He toppled to the ground and whacked his watch on the ground
A boy by the name of hutr had just walked out of the general store he had bought a strange watch thingie from the general store, he was just going home when crash, the pain seared up through his toe and into his head. He toppled to the ground and whacked his watch on the ground
A boy by the name of hutr had just walked out of the general store he had bought a strange watch thingie from the general store, he was just going home when crash, the pain seared up through his toe and into his head. He toppled to the ground and whacked his watch on the ground
A boy by the name of hutr had just walked out of the general store he had bought a strange watch thingie from the general store, he was just going home when crash, the pain seared up through his toe and into his head. He toppled to the ground and whacked his watch on the ground
A boy by the name of hutr had just walked out of the general store he had bought a strange watch thingie from the general store, he was just going home when crash, the pain seared up through his toe and into his head. He toppled to the ground and whacked his watch on the ground
A boy by the name of hutr had just walked out of the general store he had bought a strange watch thingie from the general store, he was just going home when crash, the pain seared up through his toe and into his head. He toppled to the ground and whacked his watch on the ground
A boy by the name of hutr had just walked out of the general store he had bought a strange watch thingie from the general store, he was just going home when crash, the pain seared up through his toe and into his head. He toppled to the ground and whacked his watch on the ground
A boy by the name of hutr had just walked out of the general store he had bought a strange watch thingie from the general store, he was just going home when crash, the pain seared up through his toe and into his head. He toppled to the ground and whacked his watch on the ground
A boy by the name of hutr had just walked out of the general store he had bought a strange watch thingie from the general store, he was just going home when crash, the pain seared up through his toe and into his head. He toppled to the ground and whacked his watch on the ground
A boy by the name of hutr had just walked out of the general store he had bought a strange watch thingie from the general store, he was just going home when crash, the pain seared up through his toe and into his head. He toppled to the ground and whacked his watch on the ground
A boy by the name of hutr had just walked out of the general store he had bought a strange watch thingie from the general store, he was just going home when crash, the pain seared up through his toe and into his head. He toppled to the ground and whacked his watch on the ground
A boy by the name of hutr had just walked out of the general store he had bought a strange watch thingie from the general store, he was just going home when crash, the pain seared up through his toe and into his head. He toppled to the ground and whacked his watch on the ground
A boy by the name of hutr had just walked out of the general store he had bought a strange watch thingie from the general store, he was just going home when crash, the pain seared up through his toe and into his head. He toppled to the ground and whacked his watch on the ground
A boy by the name of hutr had just walked out of the general store he had bought a strange watch thingie from the general store, he was just going home when crash, the pain seared up through his toe and into his head. He toppled to the ground and whacked his watch on the ground
A boy by the name of hutr had just walked out of the general store he had bought a strange watch thingie from the general store, he was just going home when crash, the pain seared up through his toe and into his head. He toppled to the ground and whacked his watch on the ground
A boy by the name of hutr had just walked out of the general store he had bought a strange watch thingie from the general store, he was just going home when crash, the pain seared up through his toe and into his head. He toppled to the ground and whacked his watch on the ground
A boy by the name of hutr had just walked out of the general store he had bought a strange watch thingie from the general store, he was just going home when crash, the pain seared up through his toe and into his head. He toppled to the ground and whacked his watch on the ground
A boy by the name of hutr had just walked out of the general store he had bought a strange watch thingie from the general store, he was just going home when crash, the pain seared up through his toe and into his head. He toppled to the ground and whacked his watch on the ground
A boy by the name of hutr had just walked out of the general store he had bought a strange watch thingie from the general store, he was just going home when crash, the pain seared up through his toe and into his head. He toppled to the ground and whacked his watch on the ground
A boy by the name of hutr had just walked out of the general store he had bought a strange watch thingie from the general store, he was just going home when crash, the pain seared up through his toe and into his head. He toppled to the ground and whacked his watch on the ground
A boy by the name of hutr had just walked out of the general store he had bought a strange watch thingie from the general store, he was just going home when crash, the pain seared up through his toe and into his head. He toppled to the ground and whacked his watch on the ground
A boy by the name of hutr had just walked out of the general store he had bought a strange watch thingie from the general store, he was just going home when crash, the pain seared up through his toe and into his head. He toppled to the ground and whacked his watch on the ground
A boy by the name of hutr had just walked out of the general store he had bought a strange watch thingie from the general store, he was just going home when crash, the pain seared up through his toe and into his head. He toppled to the ground and whacked his watch on the ground
A boy by the name of hutr had just walked out of the general store he had bought a strange watch thingie from the general store, he was just going home when crash, the pain seared up through his toe and into his head. He toppled to the ground and whacked his watch on the ground
A boy by the name of hutr had just walked out of the general store he had bought a strange watch thingie from the general store, he was just going home when crash, the pain seared up through his toe and into his head. He toppled to the ground and whacked his watch on the ground
A boy by the name of hutr had just walked out of the general store he had bought a strange watch thingie from the general store, he was just going home when crash, the pain seared up through his toe and into his head. He toppled to the ground and whacked his watch on the ground
A boy by the name of hutr had just walked out of the general store he had bought a strange watch thingie from the general store, he was just going home when crash, the pain seared up through his toe and into his head. He toppled to the ground and whacked his watch on the ground
A boy by the name of hutr had just walked out of the general store he had bought a strange watch thingie from the general store, he was just going home when crash, the pain seared up through his toe and into his head. He toppled to the ground and whacked his watch on the ground
A boy by the name of hutr had just walked out of the general store he had bought a strange watch thingie from the general store, he was just going home when crash, the pain seared up through his toe and into his head. He toppled to the ground and whacked his watch on the ground
A boy by the name of hutr had just walked out of the general store he had bought a strange watch thingie from the general store, he was just going home when crash, the pain seared up through his toe and into his head. He toppled to the ground and whacked his watch on the ground
A boy by the name of hutr had just walked out of the general store he had bought a strange watch thingie from the general store, he was just going home when crash, the pain seared up through his toe and into his head. He toppled to the ground and whacked his watch on the ground
A boy by the name of hutr had just walked out of the general store he had bought a strange watch thingie from the general store, he was just going home when crash, the pain seared up through his toe and into his head. He toppled to the ground and whacked his watch on the ground
A boy by the name of hutr had just walked out of the general store he had bought a strange watch thingie from the general store, he was just going home when crash, the pain seared up through his toe and into his head. He toppled to the ground and whacked his watch on the ground
A boy by the name of hutr had just walked out of the general store he had bought a strange watch thingie from the general store, he was just going home when crash, the pain seared up through his toe and into his head. He toppled to the ground and whacked his watch on the ground
A boy by the name of hutr had just walked out of the general store he had bought a strange watch thingie from the general store, he was just going home when crash, the pain seared up through his toe and into his head. He toppled to the ground and whacked his watch on the ground
A boy by the name of hutr had just walked out of the general store he had bought a strange watch thingie from the general store, he was just going home when crash, the pain seared up through his toe and into his head. He toppled to the ground and whacked his watch on the ground
A boy by the name of hutr had just walked out of the general store he had bought a strange watch thingie from the general store, he was just going home when crash, the pain seared up through his toe and into his head. He toppled to the ground and whacked his watch on the ground
A boy by the name of hutr had just walked out of the general store he had bought a strange watch thingie from the general store, he was just going home when crash, the pain seared up through his toe and into his head. He toppled to the ground and whacked his watch on the ground
A boy by the name of hutr had just walked out of the general store he had bought a strange watch thingie from the general store, he was just going home when crash, the pain seared up through his toe and into his head. He toppled to the ground and whacked his watch on the ground
A boy by the name of hutr had just walked out of the general store he had bought a strange watch thingie from the general store, he was just going home when crash, the pain seared up through his toe and into his head. He toppled to the ground and whacked his watch on the ground
A boy by the name of hutr had just walked out of the general store he had bought a strange watch thingie from the general store, he was just going home when crash, the pain seared up through his toe and into his head. He toppled to the ground and whacked his watch on the ground
A boy by the name of hutr had just walked out of the general store he had bought a strange watch thingie from the general store, he was just going home when crash, the pain seared up through his toe and into his head. He toppled to the ground and whacked his watch on the ground
A boy by the name of hutr had just walked out of the general store he had bought a strange watch thingie from the general store, he was just going home when crash, the pain seared up through his toe and into his head. He toppled to the ground and whacked his watch on the ground
A boy by the name of hutr had just walked out of the general store he had bought a strange watch thingie from the general store, he was just going home when crash, the pain seared up through his toe and into his head. He toppled to the ground and whacked his watch on the ground
A boy by the name of hutr had just walked out of the general store he had bought a strange watch thingie from the general store, he was just going home when crash, the pain seared up through his toe and into his head. He toppled to the ground and whacked his watch on the ground
A boy by the name of hutr had just walked out of the general store he had bought a strange watch thingie from the general store, he was just going home when crash, the pain seared up through his toe and into his head. He toppled to the ground and whacked his watch on the ground
A boy by the name of hutr had just walked out of the general store he had bought a strange watch thingie from the general store, he was just going home when crash, the pain seared up through his toe and into his head. He toppled to the ground and whacked his watch on the ground
A boy by the name of hutr had just walked out of the general store he had bought a strange watch thingie from the general store, he was just going home when crash, the pain seared up through his toe and into his head. He toppled to the ground and whacked his watch on the ground
A boy by the name of hutr had just walked out of the general store he had bought a strange watch thingie from the general store, he was just going home when crash, the pain seared up through his toe and into his head. He toppled to the ground and whacked his watch on the ground
A boy by the name of hutr had just walked out of the general store he had bought a strange watch thingie from the general store, he was just going home when crash, the pain seared up through his toe and into his head. He toppled to the ground and whacked his watch on the ground
A boy by the name of hutr had just walked out of the general store he had bought a strange watch thingie from the general store, he was just going home when crash, the pain seared up through his toe and into his head. He toppled to the ground and whacked his watch on the ground
A boy by the name of hutr had just walked out of the general store he had bought a strange watch thingie from the general store, he was just going home when crash, the pain seared up through his toe and into his head. He toppled to the ground and whacked his watch on the ground
A boy by the name of hutr had just walked out of the general store he had bought a strange watch thingie from the general store, he was just going home when crash, the pain seared up through his toe and into his head. He toppled to the ground and whacked his watch on the ground
A boy by the name of hutr had just walked out of the general store he had bought a strange watch thingie from the general store, he was just going home when crash, the pain seared up through his toe and into his head. He toppled to the ground and whacked his watch on the ground
A boy by the name of hutr had just walked out of the general store he had bought a strange watch thingie from the general store, he was just going home when crash, the pain seared up through his toe and into his head. He toppled to the ground and whacked his watch on the ground
A boy by the name of hutr had just walked out of the general store he had bought a strange watch thingie from the general store, he was just going home when crash, the pain seared up through his toe and into his head. He toppled to the ground and whacked his watch on the ground
A boy by the name of hutr had just walked out of the general store he had bought a strange watch thingie from the general store, he was just going home when crash, the pain seared up through his toe and into his head. He toppled to the ground and whacked his watch on the ground
A boy by the name of hutr had just walked out of the general store he had bought a strange watch thingie from the general store, he was just going home when crash, the pain seared up through his toe and into his head. He toppled to the ground and whacked his watch on the ground
A boy by the name of hutr had just walked out of the general store he had bought a strange watch thingie from the general store, he was just going home when crash, the pain seared up through his toe and into his head. He toppled to the ground and whacked his watch on the ground
A boy by the name of hutr had just walked out of the general store he had bought a strange watch thingie from the general store, he was just going home when crash, the pain seared up through his toe and into his head. He toppled to the ground and whacked his watch on the ground
A boy by the name of hutr had just walked out of the general store he had bought a strange watch thingie from the general store, he was just going home when crash, the pain seared up through his toe and into his head. He toppled to the ground and whacked his watch on the ground
A boy by the name of hutr had just walked out of the general store he had bought a strange watch thingie from the general store, he was just going home when crash, the pain seared up through his toe and into his head. He toppled to the ground and whacked his watch on the ground
A boy by the name of hutr had just walked out of the general store he had bought a strange watch thingie from the general store, he was just going home when crash, the pain seared up through his toe and into his head. He toppled to the ground and whacked his watch on the ground
A boy by the name of hutr had just walked out of the general store he had bought a strange watch thingie from the general store, he was just going home when crash, the pain seared up through his toe and into his head. He toppled to the ground and whacked his watch on the ground
A boy by the name of hutr had just walked out of the general store he had bought a strange watch thingie from the general store, he was just going home when crash, the pain seared up through his toe and into his head. He toppled to the ground and whacked his watch on the ground
A boy by the name of hutr had just walked out of the general store he had bought a strange watch thingie from the general store, he was just going home when crash, the pain seared up through his toe and into his head. He toppled to the ground and whacked his watch on the ground
A boy by the name of hutr had just walked out of the general store he had bought a strange watch thingie from the general store, he was just going home when crash, the pain seared up through his toe and into his head. He toppled to the ground and whacked his watch on the ground
A boy by the name of hutr had just walked out of the general store he had bought a strange watch thingie from the general store, he was just going home when crash, the pain seared up through his toe and into his head. He toppled to the ground and whacked his watch on the ground
A boy by the name of hutr had just walked out of the general store he had bought a strange watch thingie from the general store, he was just going home when crash, the pain seared up through his toe and into his head. He toppled to the ground and whacked his watch on the ground
A boy by the name of hutr had just walked out of the general store he had bought a strange watch thingie from the general store, he was just going home when crash, the pain seared up through his toe and into his head. He toppled to the ground and whacked his watch on the ground
A boy by the name of hutr had just walked out of the general store he had bought a strange watch thingie from the general store, he was just going home when crash, the pain seared up through his toe and into his head. He toppled to the ground and whacked his watch on the ground
A boy by the name of hutr had just walked out of the general store he had bought a strange watch thingie from the general store, he was just going home when crash, the pain seared up through his toe and into his head. He toppled to the ground and whacked his watch on the ground.
A boy by the name of hutr had just walked out of the general store he had bought a strange watch thingie from the general store, he was just going home when crash, the pain seared up through his toe and into his head. He toppled to the ground and whacked his watch on the ground.
A boy by the name of hutr had just walked out of the general store he had bought a strange watch thingie from the general store, he was just going home when crash, the pain seared up through his toe and into his head. He toppled to the ground and whacked his watch on the ground.
A boy by the name of hutr had just walked out of the general store he had bought a strange watch thingie from the general store, he was just going home when crash, the pain seared up through his toe and into his head. He toppled to the ground and whacked his watch on the ground
A boy by the name of hutr had just walked out of the general store he had bought a strange watch thingie from the general store, he was just going home when crash, the pain seared up through his toe and into his head. He toppled to the ground and whacked his watch on the ground.
A boy by the name of hutr had just walked out of the general store he had bought a strange watch thingie from the general store, he was just going home when crash, the pain seared up through his toe and into his head. He toppled to the ground and whacked his watch on the ground.
A boy by the name of hutr had just walked out of the general store he had bought a strange watch thingie from the general store, he was just going home when crash, the pain seared up through his toe and into his head. He toppled to the ground and whacked his watch on the ground.
A boy by the name of hutr had just walked out of the general store he had bought a strange watch thingie from the general store, he was just going home when crash, the pain seared up through his toe and into his head. He toppled to the ground and whacked his watch on the ground.
A boy by the name of hutr had just walked out of the general store he had bought a strange watch thingie from the general store, he was just going home when crash, the pain seared up through his toe and into his head. He toppled to the ground and whacked his watch on the ground.
A boy by the name of hutr had just walked out of the general store he had bought a strange watch thingie from the general store, he was just going home when crash, the pain seared up through his toe and into his head. He toppled to the ground and whacked his watch on the ground.
reread paragraph above to continue story.
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