Tuesday, June 26, 2018

Home links coding

I did this because logic and coding is going to be part of the school curriculum  
click the arrow and the stage to code the cat then press the arrow to see him go.

Tuesday, June 12, 2018

home links bacteria simulator.

Create bacteria and food by clicking on them, some bacteria create foods and other bacteria. bacteria eat food or other bacteria and then reproduce. if bacteria go to long without there food they will die. bacteria will only eat specific things.

Wednesday, June 6, 2018

On this day in history 1981

On 1981 on the 6th of June a train avoids a cow and kills 600 people. The driver belied that cows were sacred and put the brakes on a bit hard. They where going over a bridge at the time. This happened in Bihar India. So what? this shows the power in peoples believes.