This was a quick write done in five minutes. the topic was a paperback writer and the learning objective was to give details of a character.
“I have wrote many a novel” pleads Johnson, “where are they” demands constable bob? “They were burnt
in the fire that destroyed my home” replies Johnson with tears in his eyes. “The law states that in order
for a person to be declared a paperback writer and not be put in prison they have to have created at least
ten legible books in less than a year” says bob. “You however don't have a single one” finishes bob as he
shuts the jail cell door.
When Johnson was young he was fascinated by paperback books. Not only where the stories fascinating
but because the had paperbacks they were very flexible. When Johnson was five he made a rope out of
paperback books. He loved them so much that when he turned 18 he got himself officially declared a
paperback writer.
He wrote about 56 paperback books but unfortunately they were destroyed in a fire caused by to much
wood on the fire. This is how he ended up in jail.
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