Wednesday, May 30, 2018

Chapter chat touchdown

Here is a video of when Bench scores a touchdown! The red teddy are on North Westchester side and the green ones are on Branton Middle School side.

On this day in history

Image result for Mariner 9 departs for Mars
On this day in history on 1971 the marina 9 craft departs for mars

Thursday, May 24, 2018

On this day in history a 7.1 magnitude earthquake hit inangahua junction in 1968

Wednesday, May 23, 2018

On this day in history

On this day in history prince Philip was crowned king. So what? this made Philip a popular royal name, we have a prince Philip today.

Tuesday, May 22, 2018

home links maths game

Your the boss of operations and the numbers are attacking, use the arrow keys to move and a/d to change operation, to get rid of the numbers hover over them with your operation. some of the numbers will disappear if the equation = 0

Tuesday, May 8, 2018

home links make a mushroom

Change the way the mushroom looks by clicking on the part you want to change and using the arrow keys. you can move the mushroom by using WASD. you can plant mushrooms by pressing 2 and you can change the background by pressing 1. make the mushrooms glow in the dark press the text at the bottom. to make it dark hold the space bar.

On this day

Monday, May 7, 2018

on this day activity, the integrated circut

weekend journal

In the weekend on Saturday I went to Greymouth for my swimming lessons then I went to my friends house. we have been building this crazy tree house hanging over the side of a cliff supported by one tree. we built a door, a roof, a new story and some walls. on Sunday we did not do very much but because dad is pouring concrete upstairs we went to the crooked river to get some gravel.

Friday, May 4, 2018

Kiwi kids news article of the week questions and answers

‘Lest we forget… right?’ kiwi kids article questions and answers

1. Why is it important that youth, not just adults, attend ANZAC Day?
Youth need to remember how the ANZACs fought for our freedom, what they went through for our country. If our Youth do not commemorate this day then eventually the anzac services will die out. This day is a very important day in NZ history it is not to be just one of those holidays.

2. What is the difference between remembering, commemorating and celebrating?
Commemorating is to remember something sad, celebrating is to remember something happy and remembering can be either. People normally through an action packed party when celebrating something but commermerating is more respectful so there are hardly any parties while commemorating. On ANZAC day we commemorate and remember how the ANZACs fought and died for our freedom.

3. Do you believe it is still important ANZAC Day is celebrated when most of those who fought are not around today?
It is important we commemorate on ANZAC day no matter how long ago world war 1 happened, without the ANZAC’s we might not be living the life we are today let alone ACTUALLY LIVING. No matter how old they get, we will remember them.

Georges Méliès Facts by Zak Jakob Kahi

here is an image off one of his films made by Jakob

here is a scene off one of his films made by Zak on scratch!

Tuesday, May 1, 2018

The highlights of My holiday

In the holidays I entered a filming competition. You had to make an ad for the new musical, the Addams family. I also went to stay four nights at my grandparents house. Dad is finishing the upstairs bedroom so he can move into it. One night we went eeling we did not have much luck but I did hook a trout. Overall my holidays were not very eventful.