Wednesday, September 12, 2018

Kiwi kids news featured article.

The REALLY busy kid… Is it REALLY that bad?

1. Do you believe kids being really busy is a good or a bad thing? Why?
It is good to be busy because it means you get to learn a variety of things. it gives you a choice when you are older. for example if you do not do anything then if you want to be a musician when you grow up then you will find it a lot harder if you did not go to music when you were young.
2. If you think bad, think of three solutions for this issue. If you think good, think of three ways to encourage other kids to get busier! If you have a passion then pursue it. It is most likely that the only way to get good at it is to join some after school club which is what you should do. if you don't have a passion then you should find one, keep trying different things until you find something you like.

3. Think about the role of teachers and parents in encouraging extra-curricular activities. Is it up to them, or to the kids themselves? It is kind of up to both of them. if you are a kid you need to show the adult what you are interested and the adults need to sort out how and when.

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